


1. 促进软骨再生:氨糖软骨素可以刺激软骨细胞合成蛋白质多糖和胶原纤维,从而生成新的软骨基质,修复破损的软骨,使关节软骨自身修复能力提高。

2. 润滑关节:氨糖软骨素还可以催生关节滑液,润滑关节软骨表面,减少摩擦,使关节活动自如。

3. 抑制破坏软骨的酶:同时,它还能抑制各种破坏软骨的酶的活性,清除关节腔内的有害物质,减轻软骨和周围软组织损伤。




1. 全面修复关节软骨:氨糖软骨素和钙片结合使用,可以全面修复关节软骨,改善关节疼痛、骨刺、关节咔咔响等状况。
2桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.hengqininvest.cn. 增加骨密度:钙片可以增强骨密度,预防骨质疏松,而氨糖软骨素则有助于提高骨骼的韧性,使骨骼更加坚强。

3. 促进钙吸收:氨糖软骨素可以促进钙的吸收,使钙片的作用得到充分发挥。

4. 缓解关节疼痛:氨糖软骨素具有镇痛作用,可以缓解关节疼痛,提高关节的灵活性和运动能力。

5. 改善关节滑液分泌:氨糖软骨素和钙片共同作用,可以改善关节滑液分泌,减少关节磨损。


1. 选择正规渠道购买氨糖软骨素和钙片,确保产品质量。

2. 按照说明书或医生指导,正确服用氨糖软骨素和钙片。

3. 均衡饮食,多摄入富含钙、蛋白质、维生素等营养素的食物。

4. 适当运动,增强关节和骨骼的强度。

5. 保持良好的生活习惯,避免过度劳累和损伤。







1. 抗炎作用:雷公藤具有显著的抗炎作用,能够有效治疗类风湿性关节炎、肾炎、皮肤病等疾病。雷公藤甲素在临床上发挥治疗类风湿性关节炎的作用,对关节炎发热和关节肿胀疼痛有较好的治疗作用。

2. 免疫调节作用:雷公藤具有调节免疫的作用,能使血液中原先存在的免疫学异常发生不同程度的改善,并能够抑制抗体的形成。对于一些自身免疫性疾病,如白塞综合征、狼疮性肾病等,雷公藤具有较好的疗效。

3. 抗肿瘤作用:雷公藤中的脂质成分对白血病有治疗作用,对乳腺癌和胃癌细胞也有抑制作用,抑制率可达70%以上。雷公藤甲素还具有抗炎作用,可以抑制佐剂性关节炎。

4. 抗菌作用:雷公藤具有抗菌作用,可用于治疗皮肤病,如神经性皮炎、多形性日光性皮炎、脂膜炎等。

5. 解毒杀虫作用:雷公藤具有解毒杀虫的功效,可用于治疗麻风病、湿热结节、癌瘤积毒等疾病。


1. 祛风除湿:雷公藤具有祛风除湿的功效,适用于治疗风湿性关节炎、腰腿疼痛等疾病。

2. 通络止痛:雷公藤具有通络止痛的作用,可用于治疗神经性皮炎、多形性日光性皮炎等皮肤病。桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.blesd95.cn

3. 消肿止痛:雷公藤具有消肿止痛的功效,适用于治疗关节炎、肾炎等疾病。

桑拿4. 解毒杀虫:雷公藤具有解毒杀虫的作用,可用于治疗麻风病、湿热结节、癌瘤积毒等疾病。


1. 禁忌:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、过敏体质者及肝肾功能不全者禁用雷公藤桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.kj1dm.cn。

2. 副作用:雷公藤可能会引起白细胞和血小板减少,使免疫球蛋白及自身抗体效价下降。长期大量服用雷公藤可能会导致肝肾功能的损害,患者应定期复查肝肾功能和血常规。







1. 赤小豆:性平,味甘酸,具有健脾止泻、利水消肿的功效桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.kakoko.cn。红豆富含纤维素,有助于胃肠蠕动,促进消化,有利尿消肿、止呕等作用。

2. 薏米:性微寒,味甘,归脾、胃、肺经。薏米具有利水消肿、健脾祛湿、舒筋除痹、清热排脓等功效。薏米含有丰富的水溶性纤维,可以吸附负责消化脂肪的胆盐,降低肠道对脂肪的吸收率,有助于瘦身。

3. 芡实:药性甘、涩,平,归脾、肾经。芡实具有补脾止泻、益肾固精、祛湿止带等作用。临床上常用于治疗肾虚滑精、遗频、脾虚久泻、带下等病症。



1. 健脾祛湿:红豆薏米芡实茶具有显著的健脾祛湿功效,对于脾胃虚弱、湿气重的人群具有很好的调理作用桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.7vbox.cn。

2. 预防心血管疾病:红豆薏米芡实茶中的赤小豆和薏米具有降低血液粘稠度、扩张血管、降低胆固醇和三酸甘油脂等作用,有助于预防心血管疾病。
3. 减肥瘦身:红豆薏米芡实茶中的红豆和薏米富含膳食纤维,有助于加快新陈代谢,减少脂肪在体内淤积,从而达到减肥瘦身的效果。

4. 补肾固精:芡实具有补肾固精的功效,对于肾虚滑精、遗频等病症具有很好的调理作用。

5. 美容养颜:红豆薏米芡实茶富含蛋白质、维生素B1和B2等营养物质,有助于减少皱纹和色斑的产生,具有美容养颜的作用。

6. 利尿消肿:红豆薏米芡实茶具有利尿消肿的功效,对于水肿、脚气等病症具有很好的缓解作用。



1. 适量饮用:红豆薏米芡实茶虽好,但过量饮用可能会对身体造成负担,建议每天饮用1-2杯。

2. 体质差异:体质虚弱、脾胃虚寒的人群在饮用红豆薏米芡实茶时,应适量减少饮用量。

3. 孕妇禁忌:孕妇在饮用红豆薏米芡实茶时,应遵医嘱,以免对胎儿造成不良影响。





1. 蛋白质:猪肝中含有丰富的优质蛋白质,是人体生长发育、组织修复的重要原料。

2. 维生素:猪肝是维生素A、B族、C、D、E、K等多种维生素的宝库。尤其是维生素A的含量非常高,有助于保护视力、增强免疫力。

3. 矿物质:猪肝中含有铁、锌、铜、锰等矿物质,对于维持人体健康、预防贫血等疾病具有重要作用。

4. 脂肪:猪肝中含有一定量的脂肪,其中不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,有助于降低胆固醇、预防心血管疾病。

5. 胆固醇:猪肝中含有较高的胆固醇,过量食用可能对心血管健康产生不利影响。但适量食用,胆固醇并不会对健康造成太大影响。桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.dlzhu6jn.cn

1. 滋阴补血:猪肝具有滋阴补血的功效,适用于血虚引起的头晕、眼花、乏力等症状。

2. 明目:猪肝富含维生素A,有助于保护视力,预防夜盲症。

3. 增强免疫力:猪肝中的维生素C、维生素E等抗氧化物质,能够增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

4. 活血化瘀:猪肝具有活血化瘀的作用,适用于血瘀引起的疼痛、肿块等症状。
5. 滋补强壮:猪肝具有滋补强壮的功效,适用于体质虚弱、营养不良等人群。桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.zhuimengpk.cn


1. 红烧猪肝:将猪肝切成薄片,加入适量的生抽、老抽、料酒、姜片、葱段等调料,与猪肉一起红烧,口感鲜美。

2. 炒猪肝:将猪肝切成薄片,加入适量的生抽、老抽、料酒、蒜末等调料,与蔬菜一起炒制,简单易做。

3. 猪肝粥:将猪肝切成小块,与大米一起煮成粥,营养丰富,适合早餐食用。

4. 猪肝汤:将猪肝切成小块,与枸杞、红枣等药材一起煲汤,具有滋补作用。


"That’s right! Sasuke really follows me now. "

"Can you absorb your brother into the organization?"
"Well, but he can’t leave me, otherwise I’d rather he joined the organization."
"All right!"
It’s the same as the round eye, and the confrontation between the two people begins
As time goes by, I feel more and more that those people were not strong enough to give him any pressure at first, but now those people are really putting a lot of pressure on him. Although all the people in the field are images, even Deidara has a feeling of letting him breathe. This feeling is really bad, and he has gradually become a pure soy sauce. In addition, the black-off plan has been in trouble because of the inexplicable disappearance of the soil.
Before, he could even help him by fooling around with the soil. But now he doesn’t dare to give orders here any more. Anyone can easily kill him. Although he claims to have 100,000 busy people, he knows that if these people are determined to kill him, even if they have thousands of busy people, they can’t do it. These people are all rebellious from various villages. Can they betray themselves in their respective villages and survive if they don’t have some strength?
Therefore, it must be said that it is quite difficult at present. To be continued.
Chapter 216 Hunting begins
"Well, let’s kill orochimaru. Let’s get in touch with someone else for the time being. Let’s start doing it as agreed."
"Are we finally going to start?"
"Well, the latest news is that the two-tailed pillar force was arranged by the wooden man by Lei Ying to make one just out of the surveillance range of the hot old man. Now your opportunity is coming."
"I know!" When the mackerel finished speaking, his image disappeared directly and disappeared at the same time, and there was not necessarily a ferret image.
Out of the ten tail mako looked at the distance is practicing sasuke and looked at the ferret at the moment I don’t know what the ferret is going to do.
"Come on, let’s deal with that Yumu man!"
At this time, the crow flew over and stopped the weasel’s shoulder directly, and their movements also attracted Sasuke’s attention.
"Brother, is this going out?"
"Sort of. We’ll do it later. You practice here alone. I don’t trust it. Then you can go to the shark. This is intelligence. That guy is just around here. I think you should not be afraid of that guy in bijuu?"
"Well, I’ll be right back."
"well! Sasuke, your attention is not enough. Let’s continue to practice. "Although the ferret said this, he didn’t relax.
The shark took the ferret crow, but he didn’t take the crow. He could also know the news inside, but his face changed when he saw the news.
"You help me attract attention. I’ll go first with Sasuke. This time they seem to be targeting us!"
This is a message from skoda to mako.
"So that’s it. Lei Ying is really willing to give up. Actually, two people are trying to attract our attention and there are people all over the periphery ready to take us alive?"
Later, the news is that the crow found that the ninjas were discovered although their actions were hidden.
"Hum really when I’m good humiliate? If the old monster Lei Ying hadn’t come, I wouldn’t be afraid of you. I’m not so easy to bully. Now that the hunting has started, let me see who the hunter is. "
Mako stared at Yumu tightly and made up his mind to take her.
Five kilometers away from the wooden man, three people stood side by side, but it turned out to be a trio led by Darrouy, Darrouy Samy Atsui.
"Brother Darrouy, do you think it will be successful if you are a wooden man?"
Darrouy didn’t reply, but her sister Samy still solved Atsui’s doubts.
"It’s unlikely to succeed. After all, this opponent is neck and neck with that man!"
"Stop talking about the crow that flew overhead just now. It is very likely that our position has been exposed. We will move our position now."
"The ferret seems to like crows best. The psychic is crows."
The three men were ready to leave this place at once, but just as they took their first steps, a fact that surprised them happened.
"Did you find anything after staring at me for a long time?"
"Elder brother told them so many useless talk? Just kill it! "
Sasuke’s scarlet sharingan began to rotate slowly. Just after training, it was a warm-up. Now there are three opponents who can just make him move.
Cloud endure three people all admitted his footsteps at the same time back-to-back directly spread out the battle!
"Oh, don’t be so nervous. Will you go to war directly without saying a word? It’ s worthy of being a candidate for Thunder Shadow. I really want to see your qualifications! "
At this time, Sasuke suddenly launched a desire to rush to the ferret. Although he started behind him, he grabbed Sasuke’s collar and directly carried him to the middle school. At the same time, he threw a bitter hand and directly inserted it into the ground. Suddenly, a Lei Guang flicker accompanied by a scratching sound shattered the ground.
Sasuke just wanted to complain about what a skunk pulled him, but he was attracted by the violent noise. At this time, he realized that his brother was saving himself. Otherwise, he would have been attacked by such a dense thunder fire just after he ran into that array. Even if he was alive, I’m afraid he would have half a life left. I thought of this and Sasuke was dying.
"No loss is Uchiha Itachi. Compared with you, your brother seems to be in a bad climate."
Darrouy finally said it was all kinds of ridicule.
"I see. I made you laugh, but it seems that you are carrying two people in your hand. Is this really good?"
At this time, Sasuke discovered that Darrouy was really carrying two teammates in his hand. Obviously, those two people must have been prepared to sneak attack just like Sasuke, but they didn’t expect to have Darrouy array. If Darrouy hadn’t grabbed them, I’m afraid …
Not to mention Sasuke’s feelings, even Samyi is a little stimulated now. I’m afraid I would really be disfigured if Darrouy hadn’t grabbed herself just now. At this time, she was afraid that Darrouy would become a candidate for Lei Ying. This mind is that she can be so calm than not to mention facing a weasel.
The skunk loosened his hand and said to Sasuke
"Well, just watch and practice this battle more, so don’t get involved."
Although Sasuke isn’t angry, he really doesn’t have any idea about the shadowy array just now. Is the opposite master not sure? But I’m not sure at all, okay?
"Don’t worry that you will catch him. You are still young and your brother will come!"
The ferret disappeared from Sasuke like a ghost. When it appeared, the ferret actually appeared in the opposite camp. Two hand knives knocked out the two blond-haired Yunren, and at the same time, he kicked the white-haired man with one leg. The white-headed man couldn’t relax with his knife. It can be seen that the ferret was very relaxed and the man was very struggling. Seeing that Sasuke gave a sigh of relief here, it is obvious that the man opposite is not his brother’s opponent, and the ferret didn’t even feel any pressure.
Just knocked out two people to make room for two palms. The ferret quickly turned a circle by kicking the human way. Before Darrouy could react, he was hit by the ferret’s hand knife and directly lay down. The big knife was also scattered to be continued.
Chapter 217 Two-tailed hunting completed
Sasuke didn’t react until this time. It took less than three seconds to disappear from the ferret to the opposite three-person department. Just this short half minute, the opposite three people have been lying on the ground? Besides, the ferret looks very relaxed as if he had not taken it seriously, as if he had patted himself on the dust.
"Brother, why don’t you kill them?"
"In the final analysis, we all came out from Konoha. This white-haired man named Darrouy is a candidate for Lei Ying Ai. If we kill him now, Lei Ying will definitely die with us. You will practice in Yunren Village for a while. Now it’s not beautiful to be angry with them, okay?"
"Oh, well, does keeping the three of them mean we pay the rent?"
"Well … that’s quite a good statement."
"But we are not caught two people? This is not? "

The nine-tailed fox family is not only powerful, but also valuable in all aspects.

The reproduction rate of Nai female fox is too low, and the mortality rate is even greater, not to mention the emergence of a rare female fox in Kyubi no Youko!
An An’s bloodline is exhausted, and the Xinghai Fox clan is extremely rare!
"An An An"
Well, it’s not cheap for him. Come on, let him go quickly.
Ann is too simple to understand the meaning of the nine words
"We should find a way to get Ann back."
Su Yu kept a close eye on Fox Nine, as if he had to make sure that Fox Nine wouldn’t hurt Ann.
It’s not as difficult to rob a venerable person even if he dies!
And this is a side. The alien tianjiao can’t carry it anymore.
They stare big eyes and want to see how Su Yu, a hateful guy, died before others fall.
I didn’t expect the little fox to find a kin from this ruin as soon as he came out!
Tens of thousands of years of consanguinity, both of them are nine-tailed foxes, so maybe they are still distant relatives!
"You can’t let him go. He’s not just a human being. He’s also the heir to the golden decree!"
"Old six is right! The man who killed you admired this human being! This human being is the heir to be appointed by that person! "
"We Tianjiao, a hundred families, was killed by him because of that man’s decree that this human being lived to the present."
"Are you sure you want Fox to go with him?"
"Kill him quickly!"
Alien tianjiao shouted that they were eager to see Su Yu die.
Their Lingbao barrier won’t last long.
Bull is a venerable man. He doesn’t worry about these aliens running away.
But I didn’t expect fox nine to get such amazing news from these alien mouths after he came out
"In that case, this person can’t stay."
Bull eyes flashed a trace of murder and hatred.
He naturally knows how powerful that man is.
A bull fighting alone can’t beat that man.
It should be said that even the ruins of all the necromancers, including the necromancer honour person, are not necessarily the man’s opponents!
But Su Yu is different. He hasn’t been sanctified yet. He can swallow up the weak Su Yu with his dead breath.
Cann’t beat that man. Then kill his heir!
Smell speech Su Yu pupil shrinks.
He almost forgot that Fox Nine and Bai’s predecessors have sworn enemies!
"An An An"
You must not kill your husband.
Hear bull words in an blink in front of Su Yu stopped the fox nine and in sight.
I can see that Su Yu is really good to her, so she will be so desperate.
Fox nine sighed. This silly girl has never found herself before. If she didn’t kill Su Yu, she even dispersed a little of the dead near him. Otherwise, how could they have the ability to survive until now?
When he first met Ann, he felt that he and she had a very cordial feeling, which was kinship.
This little girl is very likely to be her own blood after tens of thousands of years. Sun naturally won’t kill people at will.
It’s this Terran. If it’s really the man’s heir, it’ll be difficult.
Don’t say life and death, even now the ruins of the situation is also caused by the man.
He has tried his best to escape from the ruins for thousands of years.
Now that the man’s heir, the Necromancer Venerable Master, already knows, will Su Yu be easily spared?
"Hum, you guys are so talkative that I won’t kill you."
Fox nine thinking when a figure from the thick dead in the past.
It was Wang Chuan who withered his hand and bent on the sword, and he also struggled to support the Baijia Tianjiao.
"You’re crazy! Dare to move in front of the venerable one! "
Take out another piece of the day after tomorrow, Lingbao, self-defense and private possession, and Tianjiao suddenly stepped out.
With or without Lingbao Tianjiao, Wang Chuan’s surprise attack was completely eroded by the dead.
"Move around like a horse, even if I die and Wang Chuan withers, I will pull you away!"
Wang Chuan’s withered eyes were scarlet, and the Emperor gave himself a sword, but now he is harmed by a villain.
I, Wang Chuan’s withered sword, specialize in beheading you villains!
Chapter 4 Shameless Terran
Wang Chuan withered with a sword and broke the Lingbao protection with one knife.
At this time, Tianjiao people are holding Lingbao the day after tomorrow, which is an opponent who has been tempered with merits and strength.
Kill several tianjiao with one sword.
The filar silk blood mans blood drops on the ground.
"It’s a loyal guardian."
The bull saw that the Baijia Tianjiao was killed by Wang Chuan and looked at Wang Chuan’s withered eyes and flashed a little appreciation.

Think of this land source and have a strong curiosity about the runes that make them up.

Because does this mean that you have to be able to interpret the meaning of the rune yourself?
I also have the ability to create a wild puppet by myself?
Moreover, Lu Yuan felt that making a puppet of famine was one of these runes.
There must be something they don’t know.
When analyzing the wild puppets from Lu Yuan, two wild puppets have condensed and launched an attack against them.
Xiaojian strode out and looked at two wild puppets not far away. The fleshy doodle face was full of fighting spirit.
Then Xiaojian lowered his body and held the grass sword with one hand, posing as a standard Xu Li.
Surprisingly, these two wild puppets took the lead in launching a long-range attack after getting close to a certain distance!
There was a sudden movement on the calm ground. A metal wave and a rock wave swept towards the sword.
And behind these two soil waves, they converge once to form a silver-gray sharp metal soil thorn.
Combination skills, steel thorns!
In the face of the combination of two wild puppets, the small sword suddenly went out of the knife.
One knife, flying dragon, streamer!
Small sword grass sword suddenly swung out of the popular firm but gentle and directly hit the steel thorn that swept through.
Hard steel thorn was directly cut in half by this time shock wave.
The two wild puppets did nothing about it.
That expression looks like a careless attack was destroyed by a small sword.
And the steel thorn was cut off, and the instant sword figure immediately appeared from the broken steel thorn.
Looking at the horse, the two wild puppets immediately raised their hands and wanted to defend themselves.
However, Black Iron’s 10-star rating makes them far from their opponents in spirit and physical strength.
Even if they react quickly enough, they are calm enough to deal with it.
But the absolute strength gap still makes them unable to fight back effectively.
Hua …
Almost two wild puppets just raised their hands when the grass sword in the small sword directly crossed their bodies.
The sword light flashed across two wild puppets and immediately turned into a lot of light spots.
Some of these light spots are psychic and some are mang Li Huang.
Most of the light returned to the ground, and the rest was absorbed by Xiaojian.
A small part of him is divided equally between Lu Yuan and Tam.
Looking at the absorption of these light spots, the strength is one step closer again, Xiaojian
Lu Yuan suddenly had a feeling of playing games and climbing the tower in his previous life.
Think about it carefully. Isn’t the trial of this wild tower just like climbing the tower in the game?
After defeating your opponent, you can not only enter the next level, but also gain some experience.
Those light spots that contain spiritual power and great Li Huang are equivalent to experience.
And with the death of two wild puppets, Lu Yuan once again passed this test.
That mysterious illusion swept Liu Yuanshen again.
Soon Lu Yuan disappeared, and the second floor of the Wild Tower appeared, and the third floor of the Wild Tower appeared.
And the third opponent is three black iron ten-star puppet.
And this time, besides the puppet of gold and earth, the puppet of famine has two attributes.
There is also another fire attribute puppet.
Moreover, the appearance of this fire-attribute puppet is completely different from that of the former Jin and Tu puppets.
Its body is very thin and looks like the kind of person who doesn’t exercise all the year round.
Compared with earth and gold, this fire puppet is comparable to the warrior puppet.
Physical doubt is much more unbearable.
But Liu Yuan didn’t look down upon it, and felt that Xiaojian should start to get into trouble with the appearance of this fire puppet.

"Ha ha, that’s what I was going to say."

They laughed and echoed in succession.
Indeed, this is really a coincidence.
Seeing that the focus of everyone’s discussion has been put on Wang Jing’s "prophecy", Qing Liu knocked on the table and said, "What do you think of it with Xinhua Supermarket?" He was the first to look at Cheng.
"I don’t know much about this Xinhua supermarket."
Cheng Bai Qing Liu thought about it, and he told the truth, "But since their vice president in charge of the industry can find us, I think it is obviously more important for our company to a certain extent. In this case, we can try to have a deep talk about their plans and then consider whether to join them."
Cheng’s opinion is more cautious.
After thinking about it, Liu Qing’s second inquirer was actually Wang Jing instead of Zhang Xia. He said, "What do you think of Manager Wang?"
Wang Jing was stunned. Obviously, she was not prepared for it, but she didn’t think about it. She simply said, "I think it should be with Xinhua Supermarket."
"What’s so sure?"
Liu Qing couldn’t help being curious.
"First of all, Xinhua Supermarket is very large."
Wang Jing seriously said, "In terms of scale and assets, both Joy City Supermarket and Runhua Supermarket are at an absolute disadvantage in front of Xinhua Supermarket. This is why Joy City Supermarket makes its development strategy before it is in a hurry, because they know in their hearts that if Xinhua Supermarket really enters SC Province, they will definitely be inferior to Xinhua Supermarket."
"Only the weak side will be anxious to take the initiative to defend. In addition, I have studied the information of Xinhua Supermarket. Xinhua Supermarket has been able to develop to today’s scale and successfully landed in the national stock market, which proves that its operating performance is very excellent, and its development has always been steady and steady, neither greedy for credit nor sticking to the country. Every time it is formulated, the plan can be completed well."
"From this point of view, since Xinhua Supermarket intends to enter SC Province, it must have been customized and planned after repeated thought and consideration, not on impulse."
"As soon as we dissolved the agreement with Runhua Supermarket, the horse at Xinhua Supermarket knew and took the initiative to contact us. In this case, I think we have no reason to refuse them."
Wang Jing finished looking at Qing Liu with emphasis and said, "So I think it’s up to you that we should get along with Xinhua Supermarket."
Liu Qingxiao looked around the crowd and said, "I personally think that Manager Wang has a very good opinion. Do you have any other opinions?"
"I didn’t."
Cheng shook his head and said, "Manager Wang’s analysis is well-founded, but I still think we should listen to the specific situation of Xinhua Supermarket first."
"Yeah, that’s right."
Zhang Xia nodded and said, "If Xinhua Supermarket offers us good conditions, then we don’t have to refuse. On the contrary, if they think we don’t have the right channel now and want to lower the conditions, then we don’t have to let them take care of it."
"I don’t have any complaints."
Cui Guosheng and others didn’t express any opinions. They are amateurs and don’t express their opinions in comparison with sales.
Qing Liu nodded and said, "That’s settled. Joining Xinhua Supermarket gives us a good condition. Then we will join them." He knocked on a table and said softly, "Besides this matter, there is another thing to announce today."
Eyes rested on Wang Jingshen and Liu Qingqing said, "It’s a matter of company shares."
When this sentence came out, everyone except Wang Jing and Zhang Xia was a shock.
Everyone is well aware of the development speed of Shenlong Company. In just two years, Shenlong Company has become a tax payer in Wenchang County.
It is no exaggeration to say that the tax paid by Shenlong Company alone this year is almost more than the total tax paid by all Wenchang County companies-but it can also be seen from the side that Wenchang County is really poor.
This year, the launch of Longjing Liquor and Qingjing Perfume has been a success. The company’s sales have generally soared, and the "tangible assets" of Shenlong Company have also increased by a lot. It is no exaggeration to say that if Shenlong Company maintains this development speed, even if it owns 1% shares, it may be worth tens of millions.
But up to now, Qing Liu has never heard of anything that others dare not ask-from the perspective of salary, these executives of Shenlong Company are definitely holding a high salary in Wenchang County
But people always have some pursuits when they are alive.
Even if these people are still thinking about something, it is human nature.
What Wang Jing and Zhang Xia didn’t think about was because Wang Jing didn’t think about it at all, and Zhang Xia is currently the general manager of the company, which can be described as one person and one hundred people. Plus, she has not thought about it.
In fact, I’m afraid that Wei Zhang, the financial supervisor, knows something vaguely.
Because Liu Qing secretly asked him to calculate the current value of the farm and the proportion of profits in several companies.
Wei Zhang heart slightly have an answer.
"Manager Wang"
Qing Liu looked at Wang Jing and smiled easily and said, "Remember what I promised you when I founded the farm?"
Wang Jing entranced dazed for a long time. She shook her head and said, "I don’t remember." She didn’t know why Qing Liu suddenly started this topic.
"Ha ha, I guess you don’t remember."
Liu Qing smiled with a look of "I knew it was like this". "But I always remember that I said that I would invest in a farm and let you manage the farm shares on the spot for a few years. Now I think it’s time to honor this promise …"
Chapter five hundred and thirty-six Too many
Wang Jing’s heart moved
After Qing Liu woke up, she remembered that Qing Liu did say such a thing when she was running a farm.
Then she also thought of the scene that Qing Liu was going to let his uncle and aunt run this farm, but Liu Gang and Wang Guilan didn’t like this farm. They pushed the buck and didn’t want to do it. Wang Jing happened to say it with Zhang Xia in a fit of pique. She came to do this farm.
At that time, Qing Liu didn’t have much money to invest in the farm, and then she bought a store. The expenses were very large, so she discussed with Wang Jing not to give her a high salary for the time being, and she would share all the farms with her in a few years.
"Shout …"
Wang Jing breathed a sigh of relief and said to Qing Liu, "Well, I remember that there is such a thing."
"Ha ha, it’s good that you remember."
Qing Liu smiled and said, "I asked the director a few days ago that the net profit occupied by the current farms and medicated chicken fast-food restaurants in our Shenlong company is not very large, but this project has contributed a lot to the villagers’ income. I thought about it and decided to give you a 1% share ratio …"
The human body in the conference room took a gasp and looked at Qing Liu in disbelief.
With the continuous production of sugar orange processing plant, Qingjingxiang water dragon wine and other products, the farm that was "very profitable" in the eyes of villagers in Yulong Village has been gradually ignored-except for those villagers who raised chickens at home and sold them to the farm, such as Wei Zhang, who later entered the company, most executives almost forgot the farm and the medicated chicken fast-food restaurant.
Only when Wei Zhang, the treasurer, calculates the financial statements at the end of the month can he think of farms and medicated chicken fast-food restaurants.

After leaving Prince Bo’s tent, Lin Ze didn’t rush to enter the Afaria Mountains at the first time. First of all, no matter how worried Lin Ze was that he was not familiar with the roots of the Afaria Mountains, rushing into the Afaria Mountains might cause unnecessary disputes.

Secondly, Lin Ze learned from Bartlett assim that there was a dark elf magistrate in the camp in Avaria, and he had relatives with the blacksmith Kaluya. Lin Ze couldn’t sit by and watch the dark elf magistrate be restricted, and maybe he could get some news about the dark elf country from this dark elf magistrate …
Lin Ze always feels that this initiative to wage war against the Delos Empire should not be that Maya will make a decision. Perhaps this dark elf magistrate can solve his own doubts?
It’s been five days since the dark elves took the initiative to wage war. During these five days, Clent felt that his heart was suffering! Maya is directly under the command, and now he is imprisoned here by human beings. He knows that Maya needs his help, and it is absolutely impossible for Maya to let the dark elf army take the initiative to attack the Afaria camp.
Because just a week ago, he received a letter from Maya asking him to be careful to avoid conflict with the adventurers in the Avaria camp. From this letter, Karen can see that Maya has not decided to take the initiative to attack mankind. If this is Maya’s decision, then Maya will definitely tell him before the meeting to make preparations to evacuate the Avaria camp, which will not put him in such a dangerous situation …
This time, the dark elves took the initiative to attack not only Gendereau’s empire, but also made Clent unprepared! Clent’s eyes flashed across Elder Shaphron’s yinzhi face, and his heart was full of worries about Maya’s imperial daughter!
"Captain Barit, what do you need here?"
An imperial soldier is heard in Clenburg’s ear. This is the soldier guarding his empire. It is reasonable to say that this soldier is guarding himself alone. Is it possible that someone will come to him?
Clent is not so optimistic. Now that the dark elf kingdom has been at war with the Delos Empire, it is absolutely impossible for him to be free easily! I’m afraid he would have been put to death at this moment if he hadn’t acted with the help of Kaluya’s name …
But just when Clent recognized that others were wrong, he found that his tent had been pulled.
A young man dressed in an official costume of De Rossi stepped in from outside the tent, and then he respectfully pulled the curtain of the tent, and another young man dressed in black appeared in front of Clent.
What is the identity of this young man in black? Can Gendereau imperial officer its sliding door? Clent knows that the soldiers of the Deros Empire are more proud, even if your rank is higher than his, if your ability cannot be recognized by them, they will not give you any respect.
Star Shadow Clant can clearly feel the strength of this emperor * officer, which is already extremely strong in the team of Dros Emperor *. If it is not that it has its own strength different from human detection methods, I am afraid that the root method will detect the strength of this emperor * officer.
I’m also a five-star night elf, but I’m actually a five-star fighter if I convert it into a human shadow soul level! Weaker than the emperor * officer strength but after learning that the emperor * officer strength is so strong, Karen is even more curious about the young man in black behind him …
His investigation method can detect the human shadow whose strength is two orders higher than his own, that is to say, if the shadow of the five-star emperor can accurately detect his strength, Clent will not recognize that this young man with dark hair and silver eyes is two orders higher than himself!
A flash of silver light flashed in the tent. Lin Ze watched with interest as the dark elf, who was self-absorbed by his own spirit, saw a smile on his face. It was obvious that the dark elf was self-absorbed because he peeped at his own strength, but he didn’t do anything.
But this time I came here to ask some questions about this dark elf. Now it’s not what Lin Ze wants to see that this dark elf is being swallowed up!
After a short period of treatment by Lin Ze, Clenburne’s disordered spirit was straightened out by Lin Ze.
Karen, who had lost her eyes, finally regained consciousness! But when Clent regained consciousness, he consciously shouted
"Shadow emperor! High-level shadow emperor? You turned out to be a high-ranking film emperor? "
Hear clent shout Lin Ze eyebrows a wrinkly that a pair of silver eyes shot two light! When these two lights came into contact with Clent, Clent felt as if his heart had been completely exposed to this pair of eyes, and all the camouflage had been seen through by this pair of eyes.
Chapter 5 Lin Ze nu
"I speak and you answer!" Lin Ze’s lips moved slightly, and Nabi’s cold voice had entered Clent’s ear.
Hearing Lin Ze’s cold as ice, Clent consciously gave a shiver, and the whole person seemed a little absent …
"What’s your name?"
"Where did it come from?"
"Dark City Andaft"
"Are you a relative of Kalua?"
Hearing this question from Lin Ze, Karen hesitated. She seemed to be thinking about how to answer it, but Lin Ze didn’t seem to be ready to think about it. When she was indifferent, she hummed directly to let Karen give up the idea of lying.
"Why did you make up that you were related to Kalua?"
"In order to carry out the queen’s orders more safely, Master Kaluya’s fame is very high among human beings, and relatives of important events in Kaluya are highly accepted among human beings."
Lin Ze’s pupil shrank consciously when she heard the queen’s position! He originally wanted to know something from the mouth of the dark elf about the card he had to pass through to enter the dark city of Andaft in the Avaria Mountains, but he didn’t expect that this tall and thin dark elf was actually sent by Maya.
The queen of the dark elf is Maya. Since this dark elf is Maya’s hand, maybe I can take this dark elf with me when I go to Andaft, the dark city.
Lin Ze’s idea flashed through his mind, and then he continued to ask
"What’s your status in the dark city of Andaft? The queen will actually film you to perform this? "
"The dark elves are directly under the royal family."
"What is your duty?"
"Responsible for the information of the Queen’s adult Daafaria camp. When necessary, the Queen’s spokesperson can issue the Queen’s order."
"Did you receive your queen’s order to attack the Imperial Team?"
"Is Maya okay now?"
"No … well, I, I don’t know what you said, my Lord."
Lin Ze’s silver eyes flashed a cold mountain when Clent consciously said the word "bad".
In fact, the name of the dark elf queen Maya is not widely circulated in the army of Dross Empire. It can be said that those high-level talents in the Dross Expeditionary Army will know something about Meya. The grass-roots soldiers of Dross Empire don’t know who Meya is.
Clent shock ash to see Lin Ze this person should know the name of Maya’s adult! Maybe this person should know Maya’s adult! Clunt thought a lot of things at this moment, but in Lin Ze’s cold eyes, Clunt saw the jasper vine on Lin Ze’s left wrist, and finally gave up the choice of playing dumb …
"Jade Wang Teng! You, you are … "
Clent already knows the identity of Lin Ze, and how could he not know that Lord Maya’s lover is a human being? But Karen didn’t expect that she would see Maya conclude a contract with human beings in this human camp that attacked the dark elf kingdom.
Lin Ze, who felt the complicated and nameless feelings in the eyes of Clent, didn’t show that he cared about Maya’s current situation instead of Clent’s feelings! Now that Clent can recognize his wrist, Wang Teng, then he should know that he and Maya.
The indifference in Lin Ze’s eyes slowly dissipated, but he still gave Clent a feeling of being more depressed …
"Since you are the magistrate directly under Maya, you should know more about Grandpa Teda Hill. You dark elves should take refuge in Grandpa Teda Hill! Leaving the Avaya Mountains and the giant trees of war is tantamount to giving up your greatest reliance on you. What do the dark elves think? Is it possible that Maya would make such a stupid decision? Tell me the truth, is Maya not having a good time in the dark city of Andaft? "
There is not much emotion in Lin Ze’s words, but Clent can feel from Lin Ze’s tone that he is nervous about the dark elf country and worried about Lord Maya!
Is this Lord Maya’s lover? A man in his twenties, but his strength has reached the high level. I’m afraid that the whole human history is extremely rare. Even clent couldn’t help sighing in her eyes.
There is no way to answer Lin Ze’s question about Clent! He hasn’t returned to the dark city of Andaft for a long time. He doesn’t know much about the specific situation of the dark city, but he knows that Lord Maya didn’t live well during his absence! Elder Shaphron, the minister of the dark elves, is not only able to return to Dark City for two years, but also able to make a final decision despite the support of adult Teda Hill, a giant tree of war.

Vomit a few words Xiao Yan mood lang corners of the mouth pick raise a little smile.

"Sir …" Suddenly, Xiao Yan was startled by a swaying sentence. I quickly checked to see if anyone was looking for her to talk privately, but I heard Xia Shuqing’s angry voice. "Why don’t you pretend to be hairy?"
I suddenly looked up and saw Xia Shuqing leaning on the door with anger. Xiao Yan got the sound effect in the game and asked, "What’s the matter?"
Xia Shuqing remembered why he came out when he heard the question. He quickly mobilized his facial muscles and put on a face of weak and charming’ Daiyu’ expression. He bowed his head and pinched his skirts with shyness.
"People want to be three generations, sir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"
"…" Others’ ye’ word dia sound dragged long long Xiao Yan couldn’t help shaking the goose bumps. Can’t you remember what he said in the first half of the sentence? Do you still learn such a pure expression as a goblin? Do you have any idea that you’re being sycophantic …
Huh? There is no such thing as coquetry. Then come to the trick. Xia Shuqing is shy, but she falls down at Xiao Yan’s feet with a step, holding her left calf and shaking it gently, while pleading with femininity.
"Sir, other people have three lives and three lives, and they want it. Anyway, it’s not long. You can make one for me … OK? Ok, people don’t follow … I hate you so much for not saying good words. People want to be three generations … "
After chanting, the people around him didn’t react, and they didn’t feel ashamed at all. Xia Shuqing simply fell on the sofa and rolled around, insisting that Xiao Yan promised him to go to the whole’ Sansheng III’.
A man is coquetry at himself? Even if he is a little beautiful, even if he is a little smaller, the worst is stronger than himself. Is it a man? This ….. This sunny day! Xiao Yan’s face has completely turned into a palette. This "three lives and three lives" refers to the couple’s love for each other. In fact, it is fine workmanship, waist decoration, and nothing is added, and it is also super troublesome. This annoying thing can’t be obtained. It should, should and should not be.
On the sofa, the posture was weird and twisted several times. Xia Shuqing noticed that Xiao Yan was even weirder. He got up and mumbled in his mouth and read the screen close to her hand. "… It’s not working to roll in pettish. That group of ladies really fooled me …" They said that it would be good to sprinkle a charming face and sell a cute one.
Seeing that the group members on the left are all members of the’ smashing the pot and matching the plum paper’, Xia Shuqing’s conscious scrutiny really found out that there was a’ God-given master’ name. Suddenly, he was shy and all the clouds jumped up and shouted, "Didn’t I tell you not to play with him? Why don’t you listen? Are you deaf? "
I hate the chameleon. I just have a little heart. I feel that the dark clouds are covered with bad luck. Some people have the strength to wave their hands and answer, "Okay, okay, you go back to the game. I’ll do it when I’m full."
Xia Shuqing’s mind is still delicate at some time. At the sight of Xiao Yan’s perfunctory meaning, he was annoyed to stretch his index finger and poke the name of the’ God-given Master’ on the screen. "Now it’s not a question of being extraordinarily talented, but his question. Why do you want to play with him? You see, you still talked privately. What did you talk about? "
Look at his fingers burning private chat box holding Xiao Yan tone also tough "please! This is a team hope, not alone with him, and what do you care? I have to train. "
"This is my number!" When Xia Shuqing justly snapped this sentence, Xiao Yan glanced at Xia Shuqing coldly. It suddenly occurred to him that he had taken up her number. Think about it and forget it or not.
Extremely clever Xia Shuqing drum gills help regardless of their Xiao Yan abandon and sat next to her secretly looked Xiao Yan tight uncomfortable face before wriggling * * material way.
"I didn’t go to play with him after the party …"
Didn’t you have fun that time? Xiao Yan eyes handed him this question.
Xia Shuqing’s flat mouth bowed his head in frustration and said, "When I was driving, he kissed me and was seen by the little brother …"
"Oh?" Xiao Yan’s eyes are wide open. Oh, my God, there is such a thing. But do you like him or not? Did An Lan throw him to me to make him more familiar with the girls in the girls’ apartment?
Xia Shuqing smell speech looked up and found his reflection in Xiao Yan’s big eyes. I felt embarrassed and immediately clenched my little fist and shook her face and became angry. Explain "What expression do you have! He is a face! "
"Oh, it’s face." Xiao Yan casually attached a few words, fearing that Xia Shuqing would make trouble again, and quickly pushed him to make up for it. "Okay, I know, I don’t want to play with him to make you a third life."
Xia Shuqing smell speech is in a good mood with a smiling face. He stays and watches Xiao Yan move. Xiao Yan can’t tell the people in the team that he left in advance and then left the group neatly.
God-given young master followed by a message. How can I get there? Stupid! Follow if you have anything to do.
In Xia Shuqing’s urgent man-marking situation, Xiao Yan pretended to be dead without answering, but sent it directly to Tiandu to inspect the goods at each booth.
Xia Shuqing was extremely satisfied with Xiao Yan’s performance and nodded heavily to earn money. He liked it best, but suddenly he thought of a question, "Did you put the money back?"
Xiao Yan is too lazy to answer. Just point the backpack and let him see the gold with him.
"Wow!" Watching the front of the five-digit number is nine words. Xia Shuqing exclaimed and asked’ The warehouse didn’t move’. After Xiao Yan nodded, he was flattered to leave.
However, for a second, Xiao Yan happened to see a seven-piece suit of a wizard with a price of 100 yuan. The name of this stall is’ Extreme Suit Wow Kaka’
It’s hard to get this suit out and it’s not worth thousands of dollars. You know, if it’s changed into reality, it’s worth thousands of dollars. The price of this suit is about 30 thousand to 40 thousand. It’s estimated that the stall owner is also putting on a show to sell it or not
Xiao Yan hesitated for a second in total, and directly bought the warehouse, leaving four bracelets and necklaces of Nishang God. Just look for Longge to help the deputy team.
In fact, now everyone recognizes that it is unnecessary to buy strong equipment at the 100-level level, because it will be worthless to change the magic suit after coming to the advanced game hall.
Xiao Yan doesn’t think so, however. What is the probability that the mage’s one-hundred-level clothes will be the best suit, and the blue and attack speed will increase by 2% and 2% respectively? If you reach the full level, it will not be a problem to wear gems and strengthen the base of adding ten’ Nishang Gods’ to go out for group battles.
It is foreseeable that Xiao Yan will shine in the pk war, while continuing to look for the suit of "Dress God", he asked Long Ge to help her have a look. Don’t say that Long Ge is also a fine guy. When he received the private chat of "Honey Master", he could guess that it was Xiao Yan’s speed. The lever quickly sent her shoes, pants and rings and it didn’t cost money.
Xiao Yan didn’t make excuses. She didn’t want to rush the ingot again. Maybe it was lucky that God took care of it and saw gloves at the auction. Although it was expensive, it was not as outrageous as clothes. She simply bought them.
The level is not up to the suit, waiting to wear Xiao Yan’s face to raise a smiling face again, but it was soon broken. Because Xia Shuqing missed him,’ Sansheng III’ came again and specially looked at whether there was more money in the backpack. When he saw that the gold was gone, he was angry and scolded endlessly.