


1. 补水保湿:水乳中的保湿成分,如玻尿酸、甘油等,可以深入肌肤底层,补充肌肤所需的水分,增强肌肤的锁水能力,使肌肤保持水润。

2. 滋养肌肤:水乳中的滋养成分,如维生素、矿物质等,可以为肌肤提供丰富的营养,改善肌肤质地,使肌肤更加细腻、有光泽。

3. 调节肌肤油脂分泌:水乳中的控油成分,如茶树精油、金缕梅等,可以调节肌肤油脂分泌,减少痘痘、黑头等肌肤问题。

4. 抗氧化、抗衰老:水乳中的抗氧化成分,如维生素C、茶多酚等,可以清除自由基,延缓肌肤衰老,使肌肤保持年轻状态。

5. 舒缓肌肤:水乳中的舒缓成分,如洋甘菊、芦荟等,可以缓解肌肤红肿、过敏等问题,使肌肤更加舒适。


1. 了解肤质:了解自己的肤质是选择水乳的关键。干性肌肤应选择滋润型水乳,油性肌肤则适合清爽型水乳,混合性肌肤则可根据不同部位的需求选择。

2. 关注成分:选择水乳时,要关注其成分,避免使用含有刺激性成分的产品。如对某成分过敏,应避免使用含有该成分的水乳。

3. 了解功效:根据自己的护肤需求,选择具有针对性的水乳。如保湿、抗衰老、控油等。

4. 比较品牌:选择知名品牌的水乳,可以保证产品的品质和效果。






1. 淀粉:芋头木含有大量的淀粉,是优良的碳水化合物来源,能够为人体提供能量。

2. 蛋白质:芋头木含有一定量的蛋白质,有助于人体组织的修复和更新。

3. 维生素:芋头木富含多种维生素,如维生素B1、B2、B6、C等,具有调节新陈代谢、增强免疫力的作用。

4. 矿物质:芋头木含有钾、钙、镁、铁、锌等矿物质,有助于维持人体电解质平衡,促进骨骼生长。

5. 膳食纤维:芋头木富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。


1. 增强免疫力:芋头木中的营养成分能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防疾病。

2. 预防癌症:芋头木含有丰富的黏液蛋白,能够产生免疫球蛋白,具有抑制癌细胞生长的作用,对防治肿瘤有一定的辅助治疗作用。

3. 消肿解毒:芋头木具有解毒、消肿、止痛的功效,可用于治疗痈肿毒痛、淋巴结核等病症桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.kexueyu.cn。

4. 调节酸碱平衡:芋头木是一种碱性食品,能够中和体内过多的酸性物质,调整人体的酸碱平衡,有利于美容养颜、乌黑头发。

5. 健脾胃:芋头木具有健脾益胃、宽肠通便的功效,对于胃酸过多、消化不良、便秘等病症有一定的改善作用。

6. 保护牙齿:芋头木富含氟元素,有助于洁齿防龋,保护牙齿健康。

桑拿7. 补中益气:芋头木能够补中益气,适用于身体虚弱者食用。



1. 煮芋头:将芋头去皮,切块,放入锅中加水煮至熟透,可加入适量糖、盐调味。

2. 芋头炖鸡:将芋头去皮,切块,与鸡肉一同炖煮,可加入姜片、葱段等调料。

3. 炒芋头:将芋头去皮,切片,与肉丝、蔬菜等一同炒制。

4. 芋头糕:将芋头蒸熟,捣成泥,加入糯米粉、糖等拌匀,制成芋头糕。


























1. 促进子宫内膜增厚


2. 刺激乳腺发育


3. 维持妊娠


4. 调节月经周期

5. 抑制排卵



1. 孕酮水平过低





2. 孕酮水平过高






1. 孕酮检测


2. 孕酮治疗


















1桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.qzsmedia.cn. 提高视力:葵子中的维生素A有助于维护视力,预防夜盲症。

2. 抗炎作用:葵子中的抗炎成分有助于缓解关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病。

3. 增强免疫力:葵子中的蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等成分有助于提高人体免疫力,预防感染。

4. 抗疲劳:葵子中的多种营养成分能补充体力,缓解疲劳。


It’s also martial arts for a true Taoist to protect his fields and prevent tenants from resisting rent. Of course, these five or six thousand people are imaginary, but it’s also true that the Huashan school’s airbenders add up to less than 40. It’s true that force is weak after all. Chen Bo-nian is even better than Chen Bo-nian. Therefore, his attitude is getting more and more arrogant and he almost wants Yue Buqun to move now.

Zheng Guobao saw that Ning Zhongze’s face was red and his hand was touching the hilt. He was probably going to do that desperate attempt to imitate the ancient sages Jing Ke and Yu Rang and shoot the Taoist priest on the spot. If this is a start, regardless of the outcome, Huashan Qizong even has no place to stand. Zheng Guobao finally could not help but cough a little "Chen Daochang, wait a minute, I have something to say."
Chapter sixty-two Huashan dispute (3)
Chen Bonian also heard people say that Yue Buqun did not know that he had become friends with his uncle if he got lucky. Of course, some people also said that he gave up his own daughter for this great wealth and came back. However, it is true that his uncle has been inseparable since he entered Shaanxi, so it is not good to be too polite to him. Therefore, he is eager to come to Zhengqi Hall to urge him to move, and it is also a precaution that his uncle will completely sit on Huashan Qizong’s side.
Listening to my uncle, he quickly changed his face and said, "My uncle, do you have any orders? Please rest assured that you are looking for the right person to be original when you come to Huashan for sightseeing. Don’t dare to say that somehow Huashan has lived for most of its life. I’m not familiar with everything here, and there are dozens of years of good wine and game in the original view. In addition, there are several best Ding Lu Guo JIU who can participate in the Yin and Yang Avenue to ensure whatever you want. "
Zheng Guobao said, "The Taoist priest is thoughtful, but please listen to me first. I’m an outsider. I don’t know much about the struggle between your two factions, but it’s a big place with laws and regulations. You can discuss whether you have a department to hand it over to officials for disposal. Lian Delu is a tax collector who interferes in local affairs, but he has overstepped his authority and lost him. When I meet him, I’ll say a few words to him."
That Chen Bonian knew something was wrong as soon as he listened to the wind, and quickly said, "My maternal uncle is also kind enough to be afraid that the two of us will fight and kill people. That’s not good. You know, some young Taoist priests in the original concept are young and have not joined the door for a long time, and their hearts are not strong enough. They have heard that their ancestors’ inheritance has been occupied with indignation, and they have long wanted to get together to find Yue Xiong’s bad luck. This is still being original and desperately suppressing it, so that they can’t jump for the time being. I’m afraid that the lawsuit will last forever. Those people
Guo-bao zheng sneer at a "oh? Is there such a thing? I got the news from the capital that the demon religion escaped the arrest of the government and then disappeared into the Sanbao Gate or Sanqing Gate. Today, I heard from the Taoist priest that it seems that the wind coming from this cave may not be so brave and ruthless. If they say that they are not demons, then who is demons? It seems that your faction has a big problem. I have to check it out and listen to the Taoist saying that there are five or six thousand troops in Huashan, which is a big deal. I don’t know if I can transfer the trilateral army to prevent accidents. "
He downplayed these words, but Chen Bonian was almost bloody over there. I didn’t expect this uncle to be so partial to help Yue Buqun. This pull can’t be partial anymore. He just threatened to play there and has buckled a magic hat. Now who dares to touch magic at this time?
Wanli Tiandao is true, but Chen Bonian is a swindler in Shaanxi, and it’s a long way from cheating. Moreover, it’s the prince’s maternal uncle who is not favored by Bai Ding’s sister palace, and now it’s only half a step away from the queen’s throne. Maybe his nephew or the future emperor will learn the channel and give up his relatives to himself?
He’s also a handsome dancer. It’s not impossible to say that he gathered thousands of people to rebel against the trilateral army and put down the rebellion. It’s true that the foundation can’t afford such a defeat.
He had to argue that "my uncle misunderstood! Being original, the younger brother is honest, and most of them are based on indignation and want to face-to-face theory. No one is a demon. This being original can be guaranteed with his life. This is Yunv Mountain, and they should also give us this land. Is it because they borrowed Jingzhou for the time being? Besides, the shame of Huashan School even stole from us. "
Ling Huchong respects his master if he respects his family. If he can endure such words, he should press his hand on the hilt of the sword. "Although he is a senior master, I will ask you for advice if I insult my legacy. I can’t let my legacy be humiliated."
Then Chen Bonian said coldly, "You ask your master if it is the first in Zi Xia to go to your Huashan Jiugong, and I really practice a few Gong Zhuang external skills in Huashan School. If you don’t believe me, you can go to several Taoist temples in Huashan School to ask if I’m lying and the jade girl swordsmanship. That’s also true. This is even more exemplary."
Zheng Guobao saw that Yue Buqun’s husband and wife didn’t know this in words. Ten wines are true, so this topic won’t be entangled. "Taoist, I’m not a Jianghu person. I don’t understand this. I know that these two deeds are deeds of Yue Daxia. Are you going to say that you want to recognize the rulers’ deeds? That’s Tatar. You have to take a stand. Besides, if Brother Yue’s title deed is wrong, was it wrong for them to handle the title deed at the beginning? This Shaanxi Ministry of Foreign Affairs is wrong in its handling, officials, care and experience. You must think it over before you speak. Besides, just now, Taoist seems to have said that whoever opposes even the father-in-law is against the court. Even Delu himself dared not say this! He’s just a eunuch. If he dares to say such disrespectful words, I’ll end him for my brother-in-law. It doesn’t matter! "
Chen Bonian was completely lost at this time, but he knew that he had just said something wrong and blamed himself for getting carried away. As a result, he left such a big handle for people to hold on to himself and even Delu was not a warlock at most. If my uncle told this to even my father-in-law, even Delu would have to kill himself.
"My uncle was just being original, but I still hope that he will forgive me a lot. Don’t be original. I, a mountain villager, have no knowledge of natives, but I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do."
Zheng Guobao sneered noncommittally, "I’m not going to share this with you either, but you should pay attention to your being a monk and talking more in the future. I don’t necessarily understand that I have a problem with this person. If I don’t understand words, I may have to write and ask what Tianjia means. You should be careful what you say in the future. Go back and tell Lian Delu that my uncle wants to visit Huashan and have some fun, so that he can not disturb me in Athens or give me a careful look!"
Don’t even look at Delu, Shaanxi. He doesn’t even pay attention to the governor and minister. But the eunuch is not afraid of civilian officials, but it doesn’t mean that the eunuch is not afraid of honouring and consorts. After all, in theory, the eunuch is also a slave and honours and consorts. Besides the master friend is a relative, how can a slave climb to the head of the master’s relatives and friends?
Besides, Empress Zheng also pampers people like Lian Delu. Even if Empress Zheng kills him, who can he argue with? Zheng Guobao made such a remark, saying slowly that even the Delu people came here and were totally embarassed. As a result, Zheng Guobao added, "In this land lawsuit, you can complain about your grievances. If anyone dares to correct the fugitives and fight privately, the uncle will never forgive!"
Hearing this, Chen Bonian nodded, "I dare not be original."
Guo-bao zheng face YiHuan "prince’s maternal uncle is also the most reasonable person, you two sides I’m neither thick brick nor thin jade tile, I won’t pull my hand, but I’ll start a fight, which will hurt the harmony. It’s really not good for the big dynasty to have something to find in the yamen, and my prince’s maternal uncle will definitely not interfere with me. This pommel horse fatigue will not leave you."
See the prince’s maternal uncle catch people Chen Bonian good leave and go to steal a look to practice the wind. See this cheap nephew put his head down and don’t look at himself. I want to come to this line for the time being. I don’t want to win this lawsuit, even from those tinkerers in the temple.
Seeing that a major crisis has been so lightly resolved, Yue Buqun also got up and saluted with a stone in his heart. "The great uncle of the country is grateful to a certain person in Deyue, and he feels that he must repay it in five days."
Ning Zhong followed suit and saluted, "If the prince’s maternal uncle helps the thief and Taoist priest and doesn’t know what to make, I thanked the prince’s maternal uncle for these children in Huashan."
Zheng Guobao said, "I just said that we don’t have to be so polite when my brother-in-law hits it off. I don’t care who cares about a family." You can rest assured that I won’t let Huashan suffer. "
Chapter sixty-three Double pair
Ling Huchong’s punishment is certain. Yue Lingshan knows this punishment, even if he can’t get away with it, but he managed to save the life of the master elder brother. Fortunately, I don’t know how long my uncle will stay in Huashan and how long he should cope with it. But I think that Chen Bonian cheated on his parents and his brother just now, and it’s not as good as my uncle’s. Is it still that my father said that he is unreliable to the master elder brother?
When Zheng Guobao saw bowls of steaming noodles at dinner, Ningzhong said, "My uncle just came to Huashan to taste my noodles."
Zheng Guobao heard that this noodle was made by Ning Zhongze himself, and he ate and boasted, "Sister-in-law, don’t mention it. You can really get this skill. Even if you eat a royal banquet in my palace, it’s nothing more than that. I have to eat friendship with you and I have to stay in Huashan for a few more days."
I came here to make noodles because Huashan has no ingredients, so I have to deal with those Royal Guards. Where can I eat them? However, it’s not good for my uncle to take the lead in eating those people, and it’s not good to pick and choose the food. They wolfed it down all the time and worked hard. Yue Buqun secretly called her lucky lady a good cook, or even this one would not pass.
After dinner, Ling Huchong packed up and brought weapons to think about the cliff. Although there are many houses here of Huashan Sect, it is also very difficult for dozens of people in the Royal Guards to arrange them. Thanks to the fact that Huayin magistrate sent some tents when he was a talented mountain, it was dangerous for the Royal Guards to sleep in the wilderness.
When Zheng Guobao was eating, he found that it seemed unnatural to practice the wind, and he wondered what this Huashan Sect had to do with it. Why is it so weird? Taking advantage of the night, I recruited the wind to ask, "Is there something on my mind that Brother Lian looks different today?"
Practice the wind busy Gaozui way: "Please ask my uncle to practice a Huashan Mountain. There is no entanglement. It’s just that I feel something when I see my uncle today to solve the crisis in Huashan Mountain. That Chen Bo-nian’s teacher is similar to the class of people in the same door. I can’t say much, but if he drives Yue Buqun and others away today, I don’t want to ask if the Huashan Sect is removed from the list, but it’s a pity that my uncle finally managed to save a place to collect orphans."
"Orphan? Has this Huashan Sect adopted many orphans? "
"Presumably, my uncle doesn’t know that the lady of Huashan Sect is not the original wife of Yue Sect, but this daughter is the second wife, and it’s not what she did. However, since my uncle asked me about it, it’s better to say a few words." Wang Shouzhen, a wind practitioner, is also very well informed about his friends, especially several leading writers of confidant tabloids, who have taken benefits, so he said some * *
There used to be a lady in Yue Buqun who was also a classmate. It is said that Ning Zhongze was in poor health after she gave birth to Yue Lingshan. Ning Zhongze died after she was introduced. She was also introduced for a year at that time. Supposedly, she was a noble family father, but it was a special thing to commit herself to marry Yue Buqun. She was in her twenties and she was a tramp in the Jianghu. How can you listen to this and how can you believe it?
Later, I heard that Ning Zhongze was also injured in the murder in Huaxian County, and it was difficult for her to get pregnant for life. She gave this woman a mother’s love to others. In addition to treating Yue Lingshan as her own, she went out and adopted orphans everywhere. Anyone who let her know where orphans are, regardless of gender, qualification and health, received the Huashan gate wall, which was not suitable for practicing martial arts, and she funded a sum of money to let them live in the mountains.
I don’t know how many orphans Mrs. Yue has adopted and rescued over the years, otherwise Huashan Sect wouldn’t be so poor. It is said that Huashan doesn’t even have a field now, and Huayin Store has two businesses left, which is also very depressed. This Sect will be like a frost and a candle in the wind. If you can’t keep this land at any time, I think the leader of Yue will go to work as a bodyguard to protect people’s lives even if he is full of ambitions.
Zheng Guobao said, "I’ve heard people say that there are factions and fields in the rivers and lakes now, but where is this Huashan faction’s land?" Can’t you support this person by paying taxes on land? "
Practicing the wind shook his head and said, "Huashan Sect can’t succeed. Originally, they are a little bit. But a few years ago, I heard that Master Yue went to do sea trade business. I didn’t expect that the ship sank with a profit and a loss, but a lot of the money was returned to him. Many of them were looking for someone to borrow money, so they sold some fields. Plus, if the orphan was sick and disabled, he could still be a cash cow when he fell into the hands of the Beggars. But Huashan Sect was the bottom hole. As a result, this field became less and less and less. Ning Xia was kind and Finally, it’s all sold. "
Zheng Guobao said, "So it turns out that Ning Xia is not Miss Yue’s biological mother, but also a single-minded orphan. This double Xia is really a rare good person, but her heart is not so good. Is it like opening a door?"
Practicing Tianfeng said, "It was my master who said that Miss Tangmen, Sichuan Province was also a bodhisattva, and the bank became a deadly female blade after half a year’s management. Unfortunately, this Ning Xia was partial to life, so no one could do anything about it. However, if I say that the name of the famous people in this Jianghu is unknown, I really think that this Ning Xia saved the abducted child soon after she first entered Huashan. She was single-handedly engaged in Huayin Beggars’ War, and she was beaten to death by more than a dozen people. Even at that time, the beggars’ Sect refused to sell the leading noodles. The nickname of being abducted by dozens of children and girls was the Bohuashan School at that time, and now most of his disciples come from those children’s martial arts. For the time being, it is shameful to say that this kind of character is a few men. "
When Zheng Guobao, who was sent away to practice the wind, came to the courtyard and looked up and saw a full moon hanging high in the sky, and the bright moonlight fell on the courtyard, which made people feel comfortable in the bath and praised a "good round of Huashan Moon"
Yue Buqun’s bedroom Ningzhong listened to her husband’s statement that his mentor had made a big name in the Jianghu, and Song Qinghan had actually entered the palace as a eunuch. He was also in the same place as Jianzong, and each other was so stunned that he could not speak. In her mind, his mentor and father were all dignified and respectful, and you looked down on Yan Dang most. Fortunately, how could he enter the palace? Became a middle official? And how can you live in harmony with Jianzong people? If Huashan School can live with Jianzong early, it will fall into today’s situation.
Yue Buqun sorted the gifts sent by my uncle one by one, and took four ingots of full-color silver. "I’ll let people take this silver back to Hengshan and give it to the master. His old man’s house will make it difficult for the old man’s house. We can’t do without money everywhere. It’s a filial piety if we have limited ability."
Ning Zhongze said, "Brother, I think there are still some golden beans. Let’s send them. Let’s think about ways to get rid of the external debts first and let him wait a while."
Yue Buqun shook his head. "Even now, I don’t think my hair may be willing to delay any longer. Besides, what’s his concern? It’s not that you don’t know why you should just pay off the debt with him this time. Let’s find a way to pay tribute to Master later. Since we have made a uncle, we won’t have to worry about having no money to show you." His fingers are two envelopes. "This one hundred and twenty pieces of silver is the foundation for our Huashan Sect to turn over and become proud."
Ning Zhongze said, "What? Brother, are you going to do that sea trade business again? "
Yue Buqun face a red "that thing suffered a big loss, and I know it is impossible to bring trouble. How dare you accompany me to suffer a lot? I heard from my uncle that he got a group of Jin Yi and the envoys and servants of Siyi Pavilion to do that cuju trick. What’s the name of the Four Seas Cup? It can be used to bet on the lottery, and this trick is also in the hands of my uncle. When the time comes, I’ll ask my uncle to make a few bets, which will be several times more than ten times the interest. Are we afraid that we won’t have any money if we use this money to print? "
Chapter sixty-four Visiting the Mine Tax Supervisor
Ning Zhongze cried after listening to it. "Brother, you can’t be a Duan Fangjun. If you don’t know this gambling word, it hurts people deeply." Small bets may not be enough to kill us, but we are small but innocent. How can we expect this to make a living? Besides, my uncle has helped us a lot, but according to my dad, there are so many relatives and friends, and although my uncle looks good now, how can I know that there will be no problems in the future? We have Shan Er and those female brothers. If this prince’s maternal uncle has any evil intentions, we’d better not entangle him too much, even if there are some waves. "
Yue Buqun look as usual still points with things in his mouth. "Madam worries about my uncle, and I travel thousands of miles with Yu Shaner. Can I always be polite when I get to Huashan?"? Besides, how many female apprentices do you want to raise them until they are old and not let them marry? "
Ning Zhong said, "Even if the senior brothers get married, I want them to get married with great roots. Except Deno is too old, I think those brothers and sisters are all good. They get along well with each other day and night. It’s even more appropriate. If they marry into the prince’s uncle’s house, I’m afraid they will suffer indignities. If we don’t go back, we’ll let them go to the detachment to practice jade girl swordsmanship. What do you think?"
Yue Buqun smiled. "Don’t worry about this. I think the prince’s maternal uncle is a good man. How much help did you give us today? Brother Liu’s precious daughter can be a concubine. Is it our disciple? Is it better to marry, eat and dress than to be a poor woman? Besides, he also has a holiday with the Songshan Sect. If you can really make friends with him, maybe you and I won’t have to take these disciples to fight hard with the left leader. "
Thinking of Chen Bonian’s face and the eunuch’s letter to Ning Zhongze, I have no words to sigh. "Brother, it’s not unreasonable for you to say that, but since my uncle and I are equals, it’s always his younger disciples …"
Yue Buqun said, "school sister, you are also an official. Why do you say such a thing? This is a matter of life, my uncle. How can such families be counted? At the beginning, I was not dozens of years older than you. Didn’t my father-in-law nod the same? "
When it comes to the past, Ning Zhong’s face turns red, so it’s hard to say anything more. Seeing her husband deliberately take out a few bright red satin and pile up a dark heart, it’s hard for Huashan school to raise those orphans in recent years. Ning Zhong, however, has not made new satin clothes for several years, and even sold her old dresses. Many husbands got a gift this time and planned to pay off their debts. This is to take some silks and satins to buy clothes for themselves.
Rao has been married for many years, and Ningzhong sees her husband willing to be happy. My heart is still very sweet, thinking about all these silks and satins, and I am alone. Lingshan, Lingzhu and Lingxiu also happen to be dressed in several ways. Moreover, even those girls who live in Huayin can get a change …
She was thinking about it, but she listened to Yue Buqun’s way, "School sister, here are five good colored satin and these golden beans. You took them to Huayin in a couple of days and gave them to Mrs. Li Daling. Shan Er wounded Li Xiaoya. This matter is not a game yet. Now that my uncle has come, they dare not move and send them again. I think she should be too close to it."
Ning Zhongze, though deeply lost in her heart, nodded and said, "All the arrangements are made by the senior brother. Although he made some mistakes, he punished him for every reason. Does it seem that the punishment is too heavy?"

"If Kong Wu is disobedient again, don’t stop tasting the cup worms."

Cold voice down a enchanting woman wearing a pink gauze clothing walk slope to glanced at Kong Wu expression and said
"Spring Thirteen Niang, you saved Kong Wu’s life, but Kong Wu also did a lot of things to let you control the death of most soldiers without conscience. Now that I am awake, I have almost paid off. I hope you will spare me a chance to live."
Kong Wu got up to dry the tears in the tiger’s eyes and said to the woman in red
"If you owe me a joke, I’ll never want to pay it off unless I’m dead or trying to kill someone I don’t like for a girl, and then maybe I’ll consider letting you go."
"If you want to kill this little girl, you can consider one." Spring Thirteen Niang turned her head and coldly swept away Gu Hui’s punching force and said.
"This brother has always hated my lawyer."
Kong Wu turned to look at Gu Hui and coldly refused.
"Then decide for yourself. After you die, I will turn you into a zombie warrior like your brother, and then we will get involved."
Spring thirteen Niang laughed coldly and punched Wu said
"I’ve been fighting in sand for dozens of times, but now I’m being pushed around. My Nai brothers died. I want to die here. It’s a relief."
Kong Wu finished flipping his wrist and pulled out a cold light shining dagger from his waist. He glanced coldly at Chunshisanniang’s dagger and wiped it horizontally toward his neck.
Light flint saw the black awn flash and the handle of the axe hit the dagger sadly and knocked it to the ground.
"Brother, what are you?"
Kong Wu one leng turned his head to look at GuHui said
"It’s not a pity that the general of a country died like this. I’m really a general."
Guhui shook his head and smiled coldly. The axe thrust into his waist and patted Kong Wu on the shoulder. Thirteen Niang came along in the spring.
See him coming spring thirteen niang a slight ash did not give in and looked at it carefully.
For a moment, a pair of watery big eyes showed a trace of ecstasy and a flash of body was greeted.
Looking at Chunshisanniang’s cold face, it instantly melted and disintegrated, and she also gave me a sweet smile. Guhui was surprised that the black iron axe stopped on her chest.
This woman is a bit moody, so she has to be careful.
"Little brother, this posture is for girls. It’s not going forward again."
Spring thirteen Niang took the first two steps, Gu Hui took the second step, and looked at her warily. She always kept a distance of two steps.
"I have a grudge against you for ordering this general to make it difficult for me. Where is my peach hidden? Hand it over quickly."
GuHui axe a lun heavy drink asked.
Chapter 22 America laguna
"Peach, you said it was that goblin."
Spring 30 Niang’s almond eyes glanced at Guhui with a light smile, a finger and a bullet, and a red mans flashed through a round bead and emerged.
A small figure in the pearl was trapped inside, and it looked like a peach.
I saw Guhuitao crying desperately in the pearl, but there was no sound.
"Look, let the peaches out."
Guhui big hurry drink a say
"She contains ginseng fruit juice and other girls will let her out when they run out of it."
Spring 30 Niang said that the yarn disappeared with a wave of her hand.
"I will never let you succeed."
GuHui drink a sharp turn in the hand of the raven flashed an axe straight toward the spring 30 niang according to face.
"Gee, how dare you chop the girl’s face with an axe without hitting her face? I don’t know if the girl is good."
Spring 30 Niang’s face flashed a cold body and turned sharply to avoid Gu Hui’s axe. The veil floated to reveal a peach blossom pattern on her left shoulder.
"Peach blossoms grow everywhere."
After a few words of red lip peristalsis and meditation, a pink glow appeared on the left shoulder. Three peach blossoms floated and flew out, and one of the three peach blossom flying swords buzzed and trembled straight towards Guhui.
Gu Hui drank a huge axe and turned it into a black awn to protect himself. She heard "Ding" and flew to the peach blossom to fly the sword and beheaded the black awn.
Wu Mang disappeared, and Gu Hui’s body was shocked, and Deng Deng withdrew from several steps. This made him feel dizzy and dizzy.
"Some means are much better than that Kong Wujiang, and then pick me up."
Spring 30 Niang jade hand gently brushed hovering fly sword at the same time a shake both toward GuHui beheaded.
GuHui a surprised body repeatedly flashing has retreated dozens of zhangs peach blossom sword follow one after another to cut.
"Three companies in Datang chop one chop"
Gu Hui rolled on the spot, and two deep cracks appeared in the red mans flashing. Taking this opportunity, Gu Hui quickly pinched his hands together to recite spells and launched the skills of the Great Tang Dynasty.
The black iron axe is higher than the other, and it turns the axe and flies straight to the ground towards a black awn parcel, splitting the peach blossom flying sword.
The intersection of the black light and the black light gave a sound of gold and iron, and the body of the peach blossom sword was brushed by an oblique ancient glow, and it was not buried.
The axe was also knocked out of control by a strong force and flew straight into the distance.
GuHui a surprised hands once again a device transformation tactic mouth mumbling read up.
The red awn on the top of the head flashed a peach blossom flying sword, which emerged from the top of the head and made a cut.
On the critical head, the ancient wisdom method has achieved something. See the yellow mans at the fingertips flash, and a strange head emerges. Hehe, a smile disappears into the peach blossom flying sword.
A strong breeze blew off GuHui’s hair and scattered it to cover the targeting top.
Cut the peach blossom flying sword abruptly stopped at half an inch above the head, and a trace of gold awn emanated from the blade to cover up the red awn flying sword, which fell to the ground like a lost vitality.
"Not bad. Well, you just need someone. Just consider me one."
Red mans flashing spring 30 niang revealed figure looked at opposite GuHui smiled and said
GuHui head flops said coldly.
"That’s not up to you."

Now it’s impossible for me to withdraw the peach wooden sword. If I hit the root with a sword, I won’t hurt the magic statue. I shook up the ghost rope in my left hand and threw it at these ghosts around me.

The ghost rope has been braving bursts of golden light. Perhaps it is the first time that this instrument has encountered so many ghosts at the same time, and its response has reached its limit. This treasure is really strong when it is strong, and it shines with golden light, and it is entangled with these ghosts who attack me.
A burst of ghosts and wolves came and got tied to the ghost rope. The ghosts were all tied to the ghost rope and could not get out again. His ghosts suddenly froze, fearing the power of the ghost rope, and they were all in place.
I just caught my breath and the dust on the opposite side gradually dissipated. I suddenly saw the magic statue. The old ghost had jumped in front of me. It turned out that he had deliberately raised the dust to cover my sight just now, but he didn’t jump in front of me until I missed him with my sword.
"Oh, no!"
I yelled, "No!" I just wanted to swing the peach wooden sword again to cut the magic statue, but I couldn’t come. The two claws of the magic statue caught me and grabbed me.
As soon as my body was lifted by him, I was complaining. I dare say that this old ghost can do this. It’s really a shame. It’s really hard to suffocate.
Seeing that I was captured by the magic statue, Lillian rushed to attack the magic statue and sent out two clouds of black gas in her palm. At this time, she was no longer sharp, because her waist injury was too heavy, her skill was very limited.
The magic statue sneered at Nellie’s palms and spat out a mass of Yin qi in his mouth to meet Nellie’s two black gas and three gas collided. Suddenly, there was a muffled sound in the gas, which sounded like a thunder.
Nelly snorted and flew out three or four meters away. She gave off two black clouds of gas and was rushed back by the gas from the mouth of the magic statue, but added her body.
I can see clearly that I am worried about turning my head to look behind me. I saw that Nellie was lying on the ground. Obviously, the injury was quite heavy. I was pinched by the magic statue and couldn’t speak. I swept the peach wooden sword out and cut it at the magic statue’s chest.
The magic statue’s two claws are holding my neck too close to me. This sword failed to avoid being swept in the chest by my sword. When he saw that the magic statue’s chest was cut blue with a peach wooden sword, he was cut out with a big mouth. The magic statue was so painful that he suddenly called for me to raise the sword and cut it. He grabbed my neck and threw me out and fell heavily.
I fell all over like a falling apart. I was afraid that the magic statue would make another move. I quickly went to see him. The magic statue was holding his chest with one hand and lowering his head. I didn’t attack him yet. I mean, I got up from the ground with a little peace of mind only to see that dozens of ghosts had surrounded Nellian and were preparing to hand Nellian.
I don’t care about anything, even if I fight for my life, I can’t let these ghosts hurt Nelly. I tied the ghosts with a ghost rope in my left hand and cut them with a peach wooden sword in my right hand.
When these ghosts saw my peach wooden sword cut, they didn’t dare to attack Lillian again. I panicked and dodged. I rushed to Lillian and lifted her from the ground. "Lillian, are you okay?"
Lillian looked at me, and she was already very weak. She was badly hurt by the magic statue just now, and she was barely able to live here. Lillian said, "Brother Dog, I’m afraid we will die here tonight."
Xiaolian said with a pair of beautiful big eyes, looking at my eyes with unwillingness but also happiness. I think she is thinking that it is also a kind of happiness for us to die together.
After hearing this sentence from Lillian, I really knocked over the five-flavor bottle. I don’t know what it tastes like. These ghosts around me are like eating us and adding the magic statue. I’m afraid that old ghost is really like Lillian said. She and I are going to die together tonight.
Thinking of this, I feel sad and resentful. I look at these bloodstained clothes ghosts around me and have an idea at this time, that is, kill them all!
I yelled, and this roar was filled with my anger. I let go of the peach wooden sword in Nellie’s hand, and I danced into clouds of blue shadows and rushed into the middle of the ghost.
I was bruised by ghosts and died at the same time, and I didn’t count the ghosts. Just as I was killed in the dark, suddenly a group of extremely strong Yin qi appeared in front of me and hit my chest.
"ah! ! !”
I fell out with a cry of pain, and this mass of yin qi hit my chest, beating my throat. As soon as I got salty, one mouthful blood gushed out, and the smell of blood in my mouth made me suddenly more awake. I was injured.
This mass of yin qi is the magic statue that the old ghost sent out, and the old ghost rushed to my front when he got his horse. When he saw that I fell to the ground, he couldn’t get up, and the old ghost slapped a hand with a fishy smell. Yin qi hit my chest again, and my body bounced from the ground, and another mouthful of blood gushed out of my mouth!
"Poof!" As soon as the blood in my mouth was sprayed on the magic statue’s face, the magic statue was caught off guard by my one mouthful blood. His spectre was most afraid of the blood in his chest, which made his face burn with white smoke and made the old ghost cover his face with pain and jump out of a few meters away.
I won’t be able to get up for a while. Two spurts of blood and my back was hurt by blood marks. I don’t have much strength. I fell to the ground panting.
After eating such a big loss, the magic statue suddenly went mad with anger. Seeing that he wiped his face and blood and directed his hands, the ghosts rushed at me. Hundreds of ghosts and the magic statue attacked me together. At this time, I didn’t even have the strength to close my eyes and was ready to wait for death.
After a loud noise, I felt a burst of ghosts crying in front of me, and countless ghosts fell to the ground miserably. When I opened my eyes, I saw that most of the ghosts had already passed away, and at least half of the hundreds of ghosts had been eliminated.
Just when I was wondering, I saw black and white suddenly appear in front of me to block the ghosts who were going to continue to attack me. I saw the token in Bai Chang’s hand held high, and the golden light from the token enveloped these ghosts.
There was another loud noise, and the token in Bai Chang’s hand kept emitting golden light. After encountering ghosts, it was like an explosion, blowing up the ghosts’ souls.
Black often released several ghost ropes at the same time. Once these ghost ropes were released from his hand, they quickly tied up several ghosts. After they were tied up by ghost ropes, they all cried out that they would be taken alive by black often.
I fell to the ground with a weak body, and my heart was rekindled with hope. It seems that people can always be saved if they don’t die. Black and white are often late every time they come to save me, but I can always get to the scene at the most critical moment. Uncle, do these two guys always come with a pinch of time?
Black and white often collected hundreds of ghosts at the first hand, but there are a large number of ghosts in the bloodstained garment door. Now there are nearly a hundred ghosts unscathed. After seeing black and white, these ghosts are too scared to rush forward and hide from the magic statue.
Although I suffered a little loss, I was more injured than him. At this time, when I saw black and white, the magic statue still didn’t escape. After all, this time he brought out the ghost of the bloodstained garment door. I think he should have expected that black and white would often appear. This time, he came here with last stand’s mind.
Black and white often looked at the magic statue and walked towards him step by step. At this time, the magic statue’s eyes were red and he looked at black and white coldly, and the war was imminent.
Chapter 36 A bloody battle magic statue (3)
Black and white often go to the magic statue. At this time, these two dare not be too careless. After all, the old ghost of the magic statue has run from them several times, and it is not black and white in terms of the magic statue’s skill.
The token in Bai Chang’s hand has never been spared, but he didn’t shoot rashly, but pointed the token at the magic statue. At any time, he would release the golden light and black. He often tied the ghost who grabbed the bloodstained garment door firmly to the ghost rope, tied several ghost ropes in his hand together, and took out the last ghost rope from his arms and walked side by side with Bai Chang to the magic statue.
When the magic statue saw black and white, he often approached. Suddenly, he waved his hand and ordered the ghosts to attack black and white at the same time. He didn’t idle his body and flew to the middle of the middle school to dive again and attack black and white.
Black and white often look very dignified at this time. I can see that the two of them are full of fire in their hearts. The old ghost has run many times in front of them. How to say it is also a face light. This time, I am determined to catch the magic statue and destroy it.
See the magic statue’s body has flown to the crowd. White often suddenly drinks the token in his hand and sends out a golden light. Suddenly, the magic statue’s body is shrouded in golden light. At the same time, black often shakes the ghost rope in his hand to the magic statue. This ghost rope is like a snake, and it turns around the magic statue’s body to cover his body.
This magic statue can’t attack again. His body has been trapped by golden light and ghost ropes. It’s almost impossible to rush out again. But it’s surprising that the magic statue unexpectedly screamed. This time, he went out of his school. A circle of dark gas appeared around his body, like protecting his body, blocking the golden light and black ghost ropes that were often released by white.
Black-and-white common appearance is also a big surprise. I never thought that the magic statue would have such a skill to break all the black-and-white unique skills. Seeing the enchanted statue’s body, it stayed for half a year, and the black-and-white golden light and ghost rope were blocked by his black gas, which did not hurt him at all.
At that time, a confrontation was formed, and black and white often constantly urged the capability to kill the magic statue. However, after the magic statue left the school, it was really Xiao Han who had been deadlocked with black and white for nearly a minute and still did not lose.
Black-and-white is often struggling to drive the body capability against the black gas of the magic statue, and I dare not be distracted. At this time, I think that a ghost of Bai Er Shen has reached the time of life and death. At this time, which one will die if he is not careful, I can’t help but worry about black-and-white often, not to mention that there are nearly a hundred bloodstained clothes ghosts guarding there. Even a teenager can kill black-and-white often.
I’m lying on my back worrying that these ghosts will see black and white. At this time, the dilemma will suddenly attack, and black and white will often be dangerous. The worst thing is that I have no strength at all, and I can’t even get up. Otherwise, I can kill this old ghost by stabbing my sword into the chest of the demon statue. Alas, this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is a pity.
Just when I was worried about black and white, I didn’t want to see anything happen. At first, nearly a hundred ghosts were afraid of black and white, and they often dared not. At this time, they saw black and white and were deadlocked with the magic statue. Although the magic statue couldn’t open his mouth and didn’t command these ghosts, these ghosts were obviously not stupid. After seeing the dilemma of black and white, they all screamed and attacked black and white.
At the same time, a few ghosts also came at me and Lotus, and now Lotus and I have no resistance and are about to die.
Just at this critical moment, three people came flying from a distance. The first of the three people was white with hair and a shabby and clean robe. As he ran and danced against the wind, I couldn’t help but cry out, "Master!"
This old man dressed in Taoist robes is exactly what I haven’t seen for a long time. Master Qiu Zhongqing saw two old men dressed strangely behind him. They were all dressed in robes, but their robes were painted with various patterns of Yin and Yang hexagrams, which looked like the heavenly master dressed in the drama.

Wang Ye was finally frustrated by the expression of Shang Tang Lian. "When you answer the question, you deliberately avoid the important. If you play dumb, I will let you go and tell you that this will aggravate your crime. Just say what you want to do tonight or should I let you do it directly?"

Shang Tang Lotus smiled in her heart and let you fight with me again. You are wet behind the ears. Today, if I don’t let you see it, you won’t know that Lord Ma has three eyes:
Chapter 647 You’d better shut up.
Seeing that Wang Ye is about to be pushed by himself, Shang Tanglian will take a serious look when he is good. "Okay, okay, what’s going on in the end?"
Wang Ye can’t talk happily in the trough. I’m going to beat her to death.
Wang Ye glared at me. "What’s the matter? Did you listen to me or not? I’m telling you, if you don’t show me well today, you’ll be waiting for the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty."
It’s a pity that Wang Ye’s wish to make Shang Tanglian afraid can’t be realized. Although Shang Tanglian seems to be doing according to Wang Ye’s intention, Wang Ye feels that he doesn’t know. It’s better to look at Shang Tanglian just now. It’s not that he has a tendency to abuse himself. It’s that he is manic and wants to hit people when he sees Shang Tang Lotus. He always feels that the performance is full of irony.
After listening to Wang Ye’s words, Shang Tang Lian pretended to be very scared and exaggerated and shouted, "Really? Oh, I’m so scared. It’s so terrible. The top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty."
Who will feel itchy when they look at it?
So Wang Ye can give up this after a confrontation with Shang Tang Lotus, which makes Shang Tanglian afraid. Wang Ye feels that his mouth is not neat enough, so don’t ask for trouble again.
Don’t be afraid of Shang Tanglian at the end. Instead, he directly angered Shang Tang Lian. In that case, the loss outweighed the gain. Don’t say that others’ ambition will destroy their prestige. According to past experience, Wang Ye thinks this possibility is still very high
So Wang Ye decisively stopped walking in this article or turned back to the white road. So Wang Ye decisively let go of himself and smiled directly at Shang Tang Lotus. "Come on, don’t perform. Seeing you like this, my hands will always itch. You don’t say I don’t listen to you, or you listen to me." Wang Ye raised his hand to stop Shang Tang Lotus from wanting to speak, but said.
Shang Tanglian thinks that Wang Ye is alert so soon. We have to listen to him. Just listen to him and say that this rebellious child can’t offend us adults or let the children do it.
Wang Ye suddenly changed his expression and looked at Shang Tang Lotus very gently. "I think we might as well settle accounts."
"You are looking for those ugly women once." When this was said, Wang Ye was very gentle and gentle with a little taste.
But in fact, even Shang Tanglian has a kind of expression when she looks at it. She is angry with this poor child’s paper. You are wrong. It seems that it should be quiet before the storm comes.
Shang Tang Lian was just about to shake his head or speak. Wang Ye Ma said, "I want to know that you either admit that we don’t, or you admit that you don’t. It’s a pity that I won’t let you play the fool again, and I won’t give you a chance to speak. Just listen to me."
Shang Tang Lian Gu blinked his eyes and looked at Wang Ye. Well, if you don’t let me talk, you won’t talk.
Wang Ye continued, "If you don’t say anything, I don’t need you to admit or deny whether those ugly women were sent by you. I know that you sent them. Let’s work out this account."
"Speaking of which, your action was really successful. Did you give a smile a special heart?" Wang Ye went to Shang Tang Lotus and leaned over Shang Tang Lotus.
"I’m sure you’re very upset that you didn’t tell me that your chance was so successful that I’m deeply influenced by it now." Wang Ye said slowly, smiling and looking at people with a little affection.
Of course, this is the reaction of ordinary people. Shang Tanglian’s reaction is different. The Queen enjoys it.
Shang Tang Lian silently shut up and enjoyed Wang Ye’s "affectionate" eyes.
Wang Ye is lying in the trough asking you something. Give me a holler, or I’ll really give you the top ten tortures of Qing Dynasty. I served Shang Tang Lian Zhi Wang Ye.
Wang Ye felt that he couldn’t have a pleasant conversation with Shang Tanglian. If you come here, you can’t. Wang Ye felt that he was going to be manic again and realized that his emotions were going out of control. Wang Ye was busy taking a deep breath and taking two breaths. His emotions returned to calm. This was the only way for Shang Tang Liandao to "speak dumb". The sound was as cold as ice.
Shang Tanglian was dismissive. "Oh, I can talk. Didn’t you say earlier that you told me not to talk? You said that you didn’t say that I could talk. How do I know that I can talk? If you don’t say that I can talk, of course, you will let me continue to listen to you. If you tell me that you are willing to listen to me, I will know that you want to let me talk. If you don’t talk, I will always you want me to listen to you, or you didn’t make it clear that I can talk. You just said that you won’t let me talk,
A loud bang interrupted Shang Tang Lian’s unfinished words. Wang Ye listened to Shang Tang Lian’s series of words and lost patience. I just recited a mantra to myself, regardless.
The whole person instantly entered the manic mode. Wang Ye thundered "Enough". Just now, he finally calmed down and became angry again, just like a burning flame.
Shang Tanglian continued to wink with a puzzled expression as if to say what’s wrong.
Wang Ye felt that she had not been grieved by Shang Tang Lian, which was simply a pity for herself. She never thought that a girl would be so hateful to the extreme.
Wang Ye thinks it’s better for Shang Tang Lian not to talk. She just had a brain attack and would even think about asking her.
Wang Ye once again slowed down his temper and closed his eyes not to see Shang Tang Lian’s expression of playing dumb and batting practice. "Come on, don’t talk. I’ll continue to talk."
"Ah," Shang Tang Lian was stung by Wang Ye’s burning eyes just after she made a sound. I think it’s better to forget it and be a good boy. Don’t be so arrogant. When I turn around, I really drove Wang Ye into a madman. It’s not fun to give myself the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty:
Chapter 64 "Punishment"
So Shang Tang Lotus was smart enough to shut up this time. Wang Ye’s glaring eyes only slightly converged and continued, "I’d better tell you what I want to do with you."
"I really should thank you. If you hadn’t done something like that, I wouldn’t have the courage to do this to you." Wang Ye slowly leaned close to Shang Tang Lotus and held his arms on both sides of Shang Tang Lotus to exhale, which was close to Shang Tang Lotus.
Shang Tanglian stared at Wang Ye in amazement. He was not sure that this little fresh meat would really be mad by himself. Otherwise, how could he have the courage? Didn’t he wish he didn’t know himself at ordinary times?
Wang Ye’s eyes have been staring at Shang Tang Lotus. When Shang Tang Lotus was distracted, he knew that she was in a state of anger. Wang Ye instantly realized that Shang Tang Lotus would be distracted at this moment. What did she say that she didn’t care about him very much?
This knowledge made Wang Ye even more furious. "At this time, you are still distracted. How much do you care about me? In this case, I won’t talk about it. Let’s act and communicate."
"No, I want to say that you have bad breath." Shang Tang Lian blinked and the little lion was angry. Forget it. Let’s change the subject. In other words, there is nothing wrong with saying that she likes to flirt with beautiful men and eat tofu with beautiful men, but it doesn’t mean that she likes to be molested by beautiful men. The difference between them is big. One is active and the other is passive.
If there’s a spoil the fun award in this world, Wang Ye feels that Shang Tanglian won the first prize. After listening to Shang Tang Lian’s words, he suddenly froze, and then he thought that Shang Tang Lian was so sure about such lies because someone was still very concerned about his overall image, especially in this smell. Wang Ye always felt that bad breath was a very embarrassing thing, so he paid special attention to this aspect.
When he realized that Shang Tanglian had lied to him, Wang Ye didn’t move at all, but smiled coldly. "Then you have to endure it."
Then he finally printed Shang Tang Lotus’s full and sexy red lips. Because of martial arts or health reasons, Shang Tang Lotus’s lips are red, which is positive red and very beautiful and sexy.
Shang Tanglian didn’t do her dying struggle when she realized that something was necessary. Even in such an environment, Shang Tang Liandu kept her free and easy personality. Of course, it doesn’t rule out that Shang Tanglian felt that turning her head and then angering Wang Ye, then fixing her head with his hands, and then doing it again always felt like playing in the video.
Shang Tang Lotus directly let Wang Ye succeed, which made Shang Tanglian move Wang Ye Zheng, and then he didn’t have the heart to think about anything else. He felt the soft touch and couldn’t help biting Shang Tang Lotus’s cherry-like little red lips and sticking out his tongue to pry Shang Tang Lotus’s lips and tongue. Carefully caressing Shang Tanglian, he didn’t have the patience to wait for Shang Tanglian to respond and kiss again and again.
Wang Ye felt a different breath, fresh and unspeakable, and felt that people wanted to immerse themselves in it. When Shang Tang Lian finally couldn’t help Wang Ye’s tongue attack, her teeth slightly opened, and Wang Ye immediately took the opportunity to enter and flirt with Shang Tanglian, put her tongue in and stir it upside down in her lips.
Don’t look at Shang Tanglian, who has never experienced an affair, but she should have seen the movie. Otherwise, how would she know that flirting with beautiful men is an adult? She should know or know that Shang Tang Lianlian is not exclusive to this kind of thing. No one has ever made her really feel that way.
Don’t look at Shang Tanglian. She is always flirting with beautiful men, but she has never reached the last step.
But at the moment, Shang Tang Lotus is not worried about anything. Even Wang Ye has been provoked by lust. His hands are unconsciously in Shang Tang Lotus, and he has reached out his hand to Shang Tang Lotus’s chest.
If girls all know that they will have dull pain during their development, they will have some sore chest. Even Shang Tang Lian was caught off guard and called an "ah". This charming and soft exclamation is even more aroused Wang Ye’s desire.
Listening to Wang Ye’s ears is like inviting him, but I don’t know that Shang Tang Lian is cursing Nima in her heart. Didn’t she hear her calling? If you don’t develop later, I won’t kill you.
But then Shang Tang Lotus reacted. Nima, this fellow won’t call the bed himself. Think again. Just now, Shang Tang Lotus’s face turned blue in an instant.
And Wang Ye has forgotten his previous experiences at the moment, and he doesn’t know what to touch other women. When Wang Ye closes his eyes, he will think of those disgusting pictures, so he has no interest.
But at the moment, he has unconsciously closed his eyes, but he can clearly feel that the woman at the bottom of his body is Shang Tang Lian, who has a perfect figure and pure face, and sometimes he wants to strangle her. Shang Tang Lian should not say that he has this consciousness in his mind, but he has no way to think about other things.
While Shang Tang Lotus was still talking when Wang Ye was already in deep trouble. Don’t say that Wang Ye didn’t provoke a little of that thing. That’s a lie, but Shang Tang Lotus is not addicted to it.
And don’t forget who Shang Tanglian is. That’s the Queen. If it’s so easy to be pushed down, it’s not the Queen.
More precisely, Wang Ye’s advantage now is within the scope allowed by Shang Tanglian. Don’t tell Shang Tanglian about innocence. This is not about chastity in ancient times. That’s nothing to Shang Tang Lotus.
Don’t say it’s being touched on the chest and kissed on the mouth, little ase. Even if she was really killed by Wang Ye tonight, she wouldn’t have any ghost thoughts.
However, Shang Tang Lian is also waiting for the best opportunity, so she is not worried about it. Besides, if Wang Ye can really do something, it will be severe:
Chapter 649 The painting style is wrong
Shang Tang lotus here calmly thinking about messy things, breathing is slightly rough, and Wang Ye is excited at the moment. After some hands, he finally found those ropes that are in the way, so that he can’t do anything. Wang Ye finally stopped and stared at those ropes that are in the way to the extreme, and then he saw that he was tied up with ropes. He couldn’t move, just like Woodenhead looked at it. It was a little stiff and rigid, except that Wang Ye was excited and stormed to quench his thirst.
Decided, so Wang Ye bent over to specialize in Shang Tang Lotus.
At this moment, Shang Tang Lian finally said, "Hey, be gentle, okay? I don’t know that I’m still developing pain." Lying in the trough is really enough. Are you a chest fetish? Elder sister is still developing pain. Do you know that it hurts at ordinary times? Now it hurts even more because of Wang Ye’s persistence.

Then he smiled at Xuanzhenzi and others: "Let some Taoist friends laugh. This is the child’s temper. But we are really waiting for a few people here, in fact, mainly for this child. I specially snatched her from Xu Fei Niang. After sending her to Emei this time, I also got a wish, which is a gratitude to Xuanzhen Daoyou. "

Then she pointed to the cheap red medicine that has been staring blankly around her, and said to Miao Yi, a real person, Qi Shuming and other three people. Miao Yi looked at the girl carefully, but she didn’t see any difference in the child now. She and her husband looked at each other, and they couldn’t help wondering, but since Yan Yingm said it was stolen from Xu Feiniang. There must be something special, but it just doesn’t show.
Xuanzhenzi said after being stupefied, "Why don’t you return the favor? Everyone knows all the things in those days. Since we are in the same boat, how can we sit back and watch you be besieged by evil sects? This matter will never be mentioned again. What’s the difference? Is it a Taoist friend to lay down a younger generation? Although Daoyou is almost successful now, is it okay to teach by himself? "
Yan Yingm, the fairy, laughed when she saw that several people didn’t understand. "Although this child is related to me, it is earthly. But it’s too far away. The reason why I want to take this child away is because she was born at a good time, just because her life is full of evil spirits and rich blessings. Everything can turn out well when it is difficult. Except for her qualifications and good fortune, it is good to go to other places. "
Seeing that several people were surprised, Xuanzhenzi began to copy the sleeves and calculate. She continued to laugh: "My disciple Tian Deaf was robbed of soldiers not long ago. She has a son named Yan Renying. With good qualifications, Zhou Qingyun, a disciple of Xia Daoyou, has a lifelong love affair. It happened to be extradited to Emei, which gave me a wish. "
Qi Shuming, a wonderful real person, bowed with emotion and said, "Thank you, Yan Daoyou, for helping me. Shuming is really ashamed. Song Changgeng disturbed the secret and robbed my disciples and treasures in Emei, which weakened my luck. My husband and wife are grateful that Yan Daoyou can help me at this time."
Xun Lanyin, the first lady of Miao, followed the salute and said, "It’s true that my husband, wife and other disciples worked hard, but after all, they were superficial, and many things were unclear, so that they were robbed first, and one step was wrong, and three English were lost. Yan Daoyou was willing to send the remaining one, and Emei was grateful."
Yan Yingm waved his hand and said with a smile, "It’s just a trivial matter. The couple also know that I have many disciples in Jellyfish, but because I was taught by a Buddhist monk in my early years, I also like to find a successor like a Buddhist. Now I have settled on Xue Jun. No matter how good the qualifications of other disciples are, it’s useless. I can’t get the true biography here, but I miss my future."
After seeing that Xuanzhenzi had calculated, she smiled and said, "Now you know that I’m not lying to you. You are more cautious as you get older. Now that things have been explained, you’d better go. Now that the evil spirits are attacking Ningbi Cliff, how can you resist only by a few disciples? You’d better go back and solve those buffoons early."
After a few people talked and laughed again, they left and broke up. Yan Yingm and Xuejun Jiang went back to Dongting Lake. A wonderful real person, Qi Shuming, flew all the way back to Ningbi Cliff with cheap red medicine. When they arrived nearby, they felt the chaos of the heavens and the earth near Ningbi Cliff, and at the same time, a hot feeling came to their faces. Many people were flying around in various brilliance, and the clouds were transpiration inside. Obviously, there was a law in operation.
In Yuanjiang, the anger made Miao Yi, a real person, and Qi Shuming all have the intention of venting a scene. It should have been that the purple and blue double swords joined together and later killed these evil sects and used them to sacrifice the purple and blue double swords. But now only the green Suojian is here, and the purple and purple swords have entered the Qingcheng Sect helplessly, which makes the three people hold their mouths all the time.
After ordering his wife to take good care of cheap red medicine, Master Zhang of Emei looked at Xuanzhenzi, and both offered their own swords and rushed over. Although Miao Yi’s golden flame sword was damaged a little, it was easy to deal with these small fish and shrimps. They quickly dispersed the evil factions around him and came to the vicinity of the large array.
Xuanzhenzi looked at it and sneered, "What kind of precious array do I think it is? It’s just a set of Huashan school’s all-sky fire array. It’s not the strongest town mountain set, but a set of imitations. Teacher younger brother, do these buffoons really think that we Emei are easy to bully? Let them see what we can do in Emei, huh! Do you really think anyone can bully us Emei? "
He said that both of them had the ability to rush to transport the sword light to the maximum, and rushed into the large array without hesitation, because Emei had a large array of two instruments and dust, and after studying for so long, they were all members of the law. It was naturally easy to go to this imitation large array of fire, but in fact, this large array of fire itself was not a complicated law.
It’s different from Emei’s large array of dust particles with two instruments, which is famous for its unpredictability. The large array of fire in the sky uses the power of fire to burn everything. Most of the spells in the array are aimed at how to increase the firepower, and there is no mysterious change, so it’s easy to break, as long as the strength is strong enough, such as Xuanzhenzi and Miaoyiren.
Between the flashing light of the sword, the two men have wandered around the array and found several array flags. The two of them run Xuangong and wield the power of the sword to the maximum, truly achieving a sword in hand and not seeking other realms.
In Ningbi Cliff, the younger disciples of Emei were supported by the mountain-protecting talisman left by the real-life Changmei in those days. They have been burned for more than ten days by a large array of fire in Doutian. Today, when they saw our elders coming to break the array, they all cheered. Under the arrangement of Qi Lingyun and Zhuge Jing, they kept their positions well and then rushed out under the guidance of Qi Lingyun.
A wonderful first lady, Xun Lanyin, saw that her husband and brother had succeeded, so she rushed over with Lian Gongyao, joined her daughter and son, and strangled those evil sects together. Although Lian Gongyao was a beginner soon, she was able to practice, and she was close to the innate realm. With the help of Xu Feiniang’s gift of flying swords, it was still possible to pick up a fish that was exposed to the net. She was very happy to join the Emei Sect.
Her personality is very strong. She was instilled with the concept of good and evil by her father since she was a child. Right and wrong are very clear. Right is right, evil is evil, and there is no middle. She is not allowed to have middle, either decent or evil, so she immediately switched to Xuejun Jiang after knowing that the master is evil, and there is nothing to hesitate at all.
As for betraying the teacher’s kindness or something, people like her have a little problem with their ideas. The concept of good and evil is stronger than everything else. They have to give way in front of right and wrong, so that they can kill their parents who are not with them for the so-called concept of right and wrong in their hearts. This is not an alarmist. There has never been a shortage of such people in history.
There are not a few people who kill their parents, children or other relatives for ideals or rules of right and wrong, good and evil, and so on. They call it the slogan of putting righteousness above family interests and being open to the public. How many people abandon their wives and children for the revolution and kill their parents? What will happen in the end? The world should be what it is, the ideal is the ideal, it is always illusory, and the pro-talent is the most real.
In fact, the wonderful first lady Xun Lanyin and their superiors understand this truth, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t like these people who are desperate for their ideals. On the contrary, they like it very much. Who doesn’t like such a good thug? Therefore, after knowing that this girl’s fate is comparable to that of Shuangying, and her personality is an idealist with a strong sense of right and wrong, she likes her very much.
After a double slaying, those evil people who besieged Ningbi Cliff were all killed. Qi Lingyun was free to say a few words with his mother. After simply explaining the situation in Ningbi Cliff, he asked about the treasure of Yuanjiang this time. Although his daughter said it was obscure, he asked all about Song Changgeng. How did the eyebrow eye look make a wonderful lady in a n experienced person, Xun Lanyin, not understand her daughter’s mind?

Volume 23 Ningbi Against Chapter two hundred and thirty Teacher Gu Teacher Niang
It’s the end of the month. How time flies! Brothers and sisters have monthly tickets in their hands. How about giving them two if they don’t vote? Ha ha, I also sprint these two days and update two chapters a day. How about everyone’s encouragement? )
At this time, Song Changgeng, who was talked about by them, left Kuzhu Temple with everyone, and went to a temporary camp built by the disciples of Wuyimen nearby, so that all the disciples were ready to leave the camp and let the injured disciples heal. After Song Changgeng, Yang Jin, Ye Bin and Qin Ziling entered the main tent, they sat down and prepared for the final distribution.
My little girl Jade Butterfly didn’t leave with Husband and Wife B this time, but she was tired of being around Song Changgeng and didn’t want to leave. We chatted a few words in the tent and were curious about the goblins like my little girl. When Song Changgeng saw that Yang Jin was a little anxious, he took out the jar of elixir and jade liquid and said to Yang Jin, "What I promised Taoist friends is in it."
Say that finish exercise to open the cover, take out a cherry big golden round bead, it came out, the aura in the tent immediately rich many, and they all felt a clear air, know that it is a treasure, Song Chang-geng put away the then jade urn again, my girl Jade Butterfly liked the beautiful jade urn, rubbing around Song Chang-geng.
Song Chang Geng smiled at Yang Jin lightly: "This is the elixir that can increase the skill of the Millennium. This jade urn is a wonderful magic weapon, which can automatically absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and can be condensed and stored. It can be condensed into spiritual water in the urn in ten years, and it can be turned into jade liquid in a hundred years. After a thousand years, the jade liquid will become an elixir, and it will last for a thousand years."
Yang Jin took the little elixir with a trembling hand and looked at it again and again. She said excitedly, "Thank you so much. I didn’t expect that I could become a Taoist. I’m going to take this elixir back to the elephant nunnery to find a master and take it with her help. After I completely absorb it, I’ll borrow the chaotic fetus of the Taoist." I hope that Daoyou can be fulfilled. "
"What I have promised on that day will naturally be completed, and Taoist friends can rest assured that as long as Taoist friends can come to me after absorbing it, I will definitely borrow it." Song Changgeng said with a faint smile, patting open the little girl Jade Butterfly who wanted to reach into his dry bag. I looked at her and didn’t know what this little guy was going to do, but some guests ignored her for the time being.
We chatted a few more words. He watched Yang Jin fidget after he put away the elixir and smiled: "It seems that Taoist friends can’t wait. Well, I won’t keep Taoist friends. Go ahead and get together again if there is an opportunity."
After returning a few words, Yang Jin left, and when she left, she also specially told a few words of Lingyunfeng to practice well. After all, Ling Xuehong was Ling Yunfeng’s great-grandmother in her previous life, and she was also a caring person. She is very kind to Ling Yunfeng, a junior. She knows that she may have to close the door when she goes back, so she specially asks her former friend Ye Bin to help take care of Ling Yunfeng.
Ye Bin also wants to leave after she leaves, and wants to take two registered disciples Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying to practice in the small Antarctic. Song Chang Gung knows that he has too many things to educate his disciples, and now someone is willing to do it for him. He considered the Yuanjiang magic weapon that Princess Changping had just got, and took out two best flying swords after selecting it.
While handing them to Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying, he said, "You have the filial piety to give me a good magic weapon. I appreciate it. These two swords are very suitable for you to use. Practice hard. Come back to me if you can’t solve anything in the future. You can practice there. I’ll use this elixir and jade urn to help you improve your skills after you finish your studies. "
Seeing the two men kneeling on the ground crying, he was obviously reluctant to leave. He said in a soft voice: "Master asked you to worship Lord Yeshima as a teacher this time, just to learn her fast cultivation methods, so that you can make a difference in the future. It is not suitable for you to practice for the teacher. Go! I will let you follow when I go to the South Pole for business. "
Ye Bin said with a smile, "These two children are temperamental lovers. Isn’t Song Daoyou going to the South Pole to open up some inheritance? There is a mixture of dragons and snakes, but it is not easy to gain a foothold. However, with the skills of Taoist friends and the strength around them, please let me know if you need my help. Although Admiralty Island is not a big power, it is still possible to help. "
Song Changgeng laughed and said, "Taoist friends misunderstood me. I am going to the outer world of Antarctica, not the 46 th island of Little Antarctica. However, if Taoist friends are willing to help, I will naturally be grateful. The two little disciples have to rely on Taoist friends to teach us. In the future, everyone will be a family. If there is anything in Admiralty Island, I will do my best to help."
Off Ye Bin, Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying took three little people with them. These three little guys turned around and returned to Ling Yunfeng’s side. The three of them were very happy. Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying took the four of them out. Now the athletes have entered the white rhinoceros pool, and only the three of them are together. Now they are back at the master’s door. Naturally, they are happy. It doesn’t matter if they go there.
After everyone left, Song Chang Gung was ready to start processing this income. At this time, Zi Xuanfeng and Princess Changping and other leading big disciples came in, and they reported that they had finished cleaning up the camp and could leave at any time. Everyone went out of the tent and saw more than 100 disciples standing straight outside. Their appearance and number made more than a dozen disciples of Qingcheng School envious.
Because it wasn’t until the day when I started to collect the treasure that the disciples of Worry-Free Door appeared today. In the past, only Zheng Dianxian and others led the way to know the existence of these people, but ordinary disciples like Qin Ziling didn’t know. Now that things have been finished, Song Changgeng formally introduced his disciples to the people of Qingcheng School for everyone to meet.
In front of everyone, he simply told his own experience, and also told the people of Qingcheng School that he was the head of Worry-Free Door, and now there are thousands of disciples. In those days, pretending to be Situ Ping was to find some opportunities to disturb the secret, and helping Blissful Reality to establish Qingcheng School was one of the things. Everyone is familiar with it in the future. If there is anything to help each other. Qin’s sisters realized that her husband was so good, and they were a little unhappy that he didn’t tell themselves. However, when several leading disciples, such as Zi Xuanfeng and Princess Changping, led hundreds of disciples to call them Teacher Niang, they were all dissatisfied. They never thought that they would be called Teacher Niang by so many people at the same time, and they blushed with shame.
Li Yingqiong jumped up happily and cried, "Brother, brother, you have so many apprentices. Please let them call me Shi Gu! I have so many teachers and nephews at once. Really, Yingnan, this is unimaginable. "
Yu Yingnan also cried happily: "Yes, yes, brother, let them call Shi Gu quickly. I haven’t let so many people call Shi Gu at the same time. Let me have fun!" She said that she was still aiming at these disciples, especially Jade Butterfly, a little girl around Song Changgeng. The lovely appearance really made her like it, but it was obvious that the other party didn’t like her and didn’t look at her.
Jade Butterfly, a little girl who was rubbing around Song Changgeng, flapped two beautiful butterfly wings, and her lovely little face was full of unhappiness. She muttered in a low voice that only two people could hear: "They are so poor in skills that they can be called Shi Gu, and do they have a meeting gift?" We have thousands of formal disciples and hundreds of registered disciples. Can you give them over? "
Looking at the two little girls, Song Chang Gung patted the little girl Jade Butterfly reluctantly and gestured to the other disciples. All the disciples naturally called the sound master, but obviously they didn’t think so in their hearts like my little girls. More than 100 disciples here were all elites at the moment, and they were all masters in the then period, but Shuangying was just a congenital period.
There are hundreds of innate disciples in Worry-Free Door, and they are only asked to look at the master’s face. These disciples have been educated by respecting teachers and stressing morality since childhood. Naturally, the master’s words can’t be violated, but just call them. How can they be inferior to themselves? As a matter of fact, there is a saying in the world that grandchildren are crutches and grandfathers are suckers. This is generational!
Seeing that everyone was here, Song Changgeng felt that it was just right to divide the treasures at last. Several leading disciples, such as Zi Xuanfeng and Princess Changping, contributed the most, so he gave a gourmet magic weapon alone, and the rest of the gourmet magic weapons were given to Princess Changping for safekeeping. After inspection, disciples who have made great contributions to the sects can all be rewarded with a gourmet magic weapon.