


1. 增强性功能:锁阳中含有丰富的生物活性物质,如锁阳多糖、锁阳苷等,这些物质可以促进性腺激素的分泌,增强性欲,提高性功能。

2. 抗疲劳:锁阳具有抗疲劳作用,能够提高人体耐力,增强体力。

3. 抗衰老:锁阳中的活性物质可以提高人体酶的活性,达到抗衰老的效果。

4. 抗菌、抗炎:锁阳具有抗菌、抗炎作用,可以治疗多种炎症性疾病。

5. 润肠通便:锁阳中含有丰富的糖类和苷类,可以改善肠道功能,润肠通便。


1. 锁阳粥:将锁阳洗净,放入锅中,加入适量的清水和大米,煮成粥即可。

2. 锁阳茶:将锁阳洗净,切成薄片,用开水冲泡,代茶饮用。

3. 锁阳炖肉:将锁阳与猪肉、鸡肉等炖汤,具有滋补身体、增强性功能的作用。

4. 锁阳酒:将锁阳与白酒、黄酒等浸泡,制成锁阳酒,具有温肾壮阳、抗衰老的功效。


1. 适量服用:锁阳虽好,但过量服用可能会引起不良反应,如口干、便秘等。

2. 注意禁忌:阴虚火旺、湿热内蕴者不宜使用锁阳。

3. 药食同源:锁阳既可以作为药材,也可以作为食材,但需注意食材与药材的用量和搭配。





1. 滋阴润燥:雪耳富含植物胶原蛋白、氨基酸、维生素等多种营养成分,具有滋阴润燥的功效。对于口干、咳嗽、声音嘶哑等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. 养颜美容:雪耳中的胶原蛋白和氨基酸能够促进皮肤胶原蛋白的合成,使皮肤光滑有弹性,达到延缓衰老的功效。

3. 补血益气:雪耳营养丰富,含有大量的蛋白质、碳水化合物、维生素等,能够补血益气,对于体虚、贫血等症状有很好的缓解作用。

4. 增强免疫力:雪耳中含有多种营养成分,如微量元素、多种氨基酸等,能够增强机体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

5. 调理肠胃:雪耳具有很好的润肠通便作用,能够缓解便秘、排毒养颜,对于胃肠道不适、消化不良等症状也有很好的缓解作用。

6. 降血压:雪耳中含有一种能够扩张血管的物质,可以促进血液循环,降低血压。

桑拿7. 润肤养颜:雪耳中的多糖类物质能够促进体内淋巴细胞的吞噬功能,增强自身的免疫力和抵抗力。

8. 促进睡眠:雪耳中含有一种能够缓解神经紧张的物质,可以帮助人们放松身心,促进睡眠。


1. 食用前需泡发:雪耳在食用前必须先泡发开,去除黄变部分,变质的雪耳不能食用。

2. 避免与含铁元素食物同食:雪耳中含有丰富的磷元素,当与含铁元素食物同食时,可能会与铁元素结合,从而影响机体对铁质的吸收。

3. 胃肠功能较弱者慎用:雪耳中含有丰富的膳食纤维,对于肠胃功能较为虚弱的人群,应避免大量食用,以免加重胃肠负担。
4. 糖尿病患者不宜食用:雪耳中含有一定的糖分,对于糖尿病患者,不建议使用,可能会影响血糖含量。

5. 外感风寒咳嗽及湿痰壅盛者禁用:雪耳性寒,外感风寒咳嗽及湿痰壅盛的患者不宜食用。

6. 变质的雪耳和过夜的银耳汤不可食用:以防中毒。





1. 活血化瘀


2. 利尿消肿


3. 清热解毒


4. 抗凝血


5. 改善血瘀桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.kjbbg.cn


1. 食疗保健


2. 药膳养生


3. 外用治疗


4. 中药配方



1. 丰富中医药资源


2. 促进现代医学研究


3. 提高生活质量






1. 清热利湿


2. 健脾止泻


3. 杀虫止痒


4. 活血化瘀


5. 抗癌作用



1. 内服






2. 外用





1. 孕妇忌用:薏苡根具有堕胎作用,孕妇忌用。

桑拿2桑拿夜网品茶论坛http://www.shutongcxzx.cn. 脾胃虚寒者慎用:薏苡根性寒,脾胃虚寒者慎用。





1. 补充营养

2. 排出体内毒素

3. 调节人体平衡
4. 降低血压、血脂和血糖

5. 抗衰老

1. 高血压、高血脂、高血糖患者
2. 肥胖人群
3. 需要排毒养颜的人群
4. 中老年人
5. 免疫力低下的人群


1. 牛蒡茶适合长期饮用,但不宜过量。每天1-2杯为宜。

2. 牛蒡茶性质偏寒,脾胃虚寒者不宜过多饮用。

3. 牛蒡茶在泡制过程中,不宜使用铁壶,以免影响茶汤颜色和口感。

4. 牛蒡茶不宜与辛辣、油腻食物同食,以免影响养生效果。

5. 牛蒡茶不宜在睡前饮用,以免影响睡眠。

6. 牛蒡茶不宜与抗生素、抗凝血药物等药物同服。


This competition is peculiar to the sharp forging.

Strike-to-sharpness ratio forging can help people break through their own bottlenecks in battle.
Even Brother then is no exception.
In the early days, a monk with a soul stuck for decades, fought with other disciples in the cloud, and then roared for three days and three nights, and then burst into laughter. Tears fell to the ground at the top of the mountain, worshipping three times and worshiping nine times, and then broke down to consolidate the repair.
Three days later, it was reported that this senior brother then successfully broke the bottleneck and advanced to the second soul of the intermediate stage of then.
Soul Mountain was suddenly in an uproar.
After more than a month, the battle in the cloud continued.
There are quite a few monks who have broken through the firmament and forged, and went back to consolidate and repair after worshipping like brother then.
Many monks benefited in February.
Even some monks who have encountered bottlenecks outside have heard of it and gained a golden opportunity.
I didn’t wait for more monks to come back to Wanshun Mountain, but my temperament changed again.
This time, the monk felt a "heavy"
Clear to the ear, forging is very light, very light
But after hearing it, the monks feel as heavy as a thousand deaths. To what extent? That is, the monk feels that he is struggling.
Brother Xiu is a bit worse. If you listen to this forging, you will have a bed to breathe.
But at this time, forging is optional. If you don’t want to listen and do other things, this forging can naturally filter through.
Monks in Wanshun Mountain are carefully selected outstanding generations. Although they failed to see that "heavy" beating helped them for a short time, most monks still insisted on listening to "heavy" beating and tried to find useful help from it.
There seems to be a huge mountain pressing down on the Mountain of Soul.
Every monk who listens to the exercise doesn’t feel firmly suppressed, and he has a little difficulty breathing and moving.
The whole soul mountain rhythm seems to have become heavier and slower in forging.
When two monks meet, it’s slow motion.
You will see a monk bow down slowly and then say slowly, "See, pass, teacher, brother …"
Then the opposite monk will slowly reply and say slowly, "You, too, listen, listen, ah …"
If the other party answers a few more words, such as "same to you", the onlookers will surely hear them in a hurry.
Great pressure, every monk who listens will find it difficult to walk and feel that his body seems to have become proportional.
Gradually, some monks found that their god knowledge, that is, willpower, was still running at a high speed in a heavy state, not only thinking normally, but also having a feeling of slowing down.
Xia Chuan was the first to react, ran to the wall of enlightenment, respectfully delivered the credits and began to realize.
Boy, he really enlightened a stone wall.
Xia Chuan is not the only wise man.
Slowly realize the Tao and repair the trouble before the wall
Then, when the enlightenment wall is busy, a green light shines on the monk from time to time, and another monk realizes it.
The wall of enlightenment is full of failures.
It is often a generation to realize that a stone wall is affected by it
Suddenly, the whole mountain of souls moved slowly, and the monks slowly ran to the enlightenment wall to seek opportunities under the pressure of a mountain.
According to the law of forging, there should be two months for "heavy" fighting, which is a rare opportunity.
Old people who are not drunk are optimistic before business.
As soon as the monks supervise each other, none of them will default.
It’s good that one of the former monks has gained something in the course of enlightenment, but it’s inevitable that one of them will go to enlightenment when this kind of gain rises to the stage of terror.
The enlightened monk laughed and dispersed after realizing the enlightenment, listening and concentrating on digesting the enlightenment.
But more monks are still listening
At two months.
The whole mountain of souls passed by in a strange phenomenon of "heavy" and slow.
Sun Hao’s face on the top of the mountain is like a stone carving at this moment. Gujingbo’s eyes are closed, and his hands seem to be waving the bang hammer without any effort.

It is safest to die.

The bullet flew past him screaming, and he was not afraid when he thought he was a dead man, but he was afraid to get up and move, because he believed that even if he really died, China people would let him die again.
Not far away, an officer-oh, screaming, jumped in front of Major Haiweikeqi. "No! … It’s terrible for China to play … If we fight again, we’ll be wiped out, Colonel! If you want to find a way to remove it, especially if I teach the camp again, it will be gone. "
Haiweikoqi has long seen that the training camp is specially cared for by China snipers, and China people shoot scattered shells from a distance with one shot. The number of soldiers in a training camp is rapidly decreasing.
"Teaching camp is our 53 division baby can’t light up the head! "Teaching battalion commander cried out.
"No one can retreat without an order, including me!" Hai Weikeqi gritted his teeth and said that before he set out, the leaders at the previous level had said that they would not rush to China’s positions and destroy those damn loudspeakers, which were specially decadent and reactionary, and that they should not retreat.
"But …" Instructed the battalion commander to be so excited that a bullet seized the opportunity to shoot into his chest. As soon as the blood was ejected from his chest and mouth, he became convulsed and then died flat, so fast that even the medic couldn’t help him.
"Machine guns, machine guns, where are all the machine guns? Suppress them …" Harvey Koch roared and jumped up, almost hiding behind the winding skirmisher line.
It’s still far away. Heweikoch saw a female machine gunner kneeling beside the machine gun, waving a lock of hair and palms in front of her eyes and observing the enemy position. "Hammer, hurry up! Suppress them ….. "Cried Haiweikeqi, his face turned purple and his blood poured in." Come on, fire! Say you! ……”
The female machine gunner looked back at Haiweikeqi’s side, but she still screamed without a gun. Many ugly scolds hung on Haiweikeqi’s lips. He really wanted to give her a good scolding. He ran to her and almost threw herself at her and pushed the female soldier hard.
Just now, the female soldier turned around and pretended to be dead, but she kept staring at the battlefield. Listsky was panting and excited. Isn’t this my fiancee Anna? Why did she come? Did she come all the way from her hometown to the army to visit me? Damn it, Haiweikeqi, how can he let her go to war and be a gunner? You know, the gunner is the first target of China gunmen, and the battlefield usually doesn’t live for an hour.
"Stuck! The belt won’t move! " The female soldier was trembling and afraid to tell Haiweikeqi that she was worried that the officer would blame her and even shoot her on the spot.
Heveakoch knew that the female soldier was a medic, not a machine gunner. He looked for the real machine gunner and found that there were several lying beside him and everyone had a hole in his forehead.
"Where is he?" "Where’s he gone?" Harvikkoch cried. "Do you have to be a lesbian as a machine gunner?" The female soldier shouted breathlessly, "They’ve all run away, damn it! Your soldiers are afraid to touch this machine gun, because if this machine gun rings, China people will play it and it will go into your head like eyes! … This battle can’t be fought … "
"You, you come here!" Haiweikeqi finally caught a recent soldier. This guy just ran to the ground and was hit by Haiweikeqi. He wriggled like a snake and climbed up. His black stubble, which he hadn’t shaved for a long time, was all dry with mud. From his appearance, it can be seen that this guy is a veteran, and veterans usually play machine guns. Haiweikeqi looked at him for a while, twisted his sweat and screamed like a cow, and suppressed the thunder-like shooting. "Hurry up and sound the machine gun to suppress the enemy fire …"
The veteran crawled over to check the machine gun’s fault, and a bullet slammed the guard-he hurriedly drew back his hand as if he had been scalded by something hot.
Haiweikeqi watched the veteran repair the machine gun and fired it. He slammed the China position and raised dust to block their sight.
"rush!" Instead of the commander, the training battalion shouted that it was the first to jump up from the ground and rush to the China position.
The skirmisher line of the officers and men in the training camp is getting closer and closer to the trench of China people. From the telescope, we can see that the left-wing troops are also moving forward. When the Red Army soldiers put their rifle belts on their shoulders, they rarely fall down, and at the same time, the machine guns roar, and the offensive firepower is even fiercer. It seems that everyone in China has been killed, and scattered guns sound.
However, it didn’t take long for this situation or China people deliberately gave them this opportunity to let the attackers all recognize the hope of victory and then jump out of the hiding place … After their department jumped up … a fierce blow followed arrival!
A lot of machine guns suddenly exploded in a flash and went through the attacking Red Army, then poured blood in batches and kept spraying … Suddenly there was a scream of mortars, and a group of black spots of fists smashed from the top of the head to disturb the explosion. The smoke and dust filled the battlefield and I couldn’t see the figure opposite.
A bullet flew silently and hit the veteran on the forehead. Like his machine gunner, he didn’t escape the fate of being shot in the head.
When a soldier came running, his chest was cut down, and his blood gushed out. Anna, a health soldier, could watch it. There were several precedents before. By the time she ran over, the man was already dead. Besides letting the wound spurt blood all over her, she gained pain and resistance.
A soldier crawled over and took away the soldier who had just died. The troops were not equipped with many bullets-and the deceased was no longer armed … Unfortunately, when he was crawling, a shell was fired around him, but a piece of shrapnel was blown into his abdomen in the distance. Anna came. She bent down and ran for two steps at a very fast speed, and then she rushed to the young man to check the wound. The young man struggled and groaned, tied his legs and went straight to his abdomen. The shrapnel crossed a deep gap and turned up to reveal the dirt inside. This made Anna lift the soldier’s fork arms from his hand.
Haiweikeqi watched Anna reveal horror from the girl’s wide eyes. She stared at the huge blood slot of the killed boy without blinking, and she didn’t believe that a piece of shrapnel could do such harm to people.
A rough voice beside that machine gun over there shouted, "belt! ….. cartridge! ….. Is there a cartridge! … this girl sent me a magazine! "
This is a bearded officer with a thick body, a big red face and full of enthusiasm. His eyes are full of fighting passion. He came out of nowhere and pushed the dead machine gun next to him, holding the machine gun and preparing to launch.
The magazine was a meter behind him. Anna ran over and held the magazine next to the gunner and pressed it into the machine gun.
However, just this hero, the general officer pulled the trigger and shot him first. His broad forehead was shining. Perhaps this attracted the attention of China people and made him more likely to provoke bullets. But when he was shot, his hand was about to pull the trigger, and then his huge body pressed against the muzzle of the machine gun. "Tug Tug …" He shot wildly at the middle, scalded and rolled yellow shells, and the blood soaked the land, giving off a "Zizi" sound and emitting white water vapor.
In China, guns rang violently for a while, and then became sparse. The smoke was blown away by a mountain wind, and the battlefield was no longer up. People were either killed or fell to the ground.
The battlefield was miserable, and a few wounded people groaned. Behind the smoke, a group of figures emerged again, and new support troops rushed in.
"Into a skirmisher line! ….. Follow me! ….. "Haiweikeqi knew a group political commissar with a pistol and led troops to reinforce and shouted as he ran forward.
Support troops rushed forward, some of them lay prone to avoid enemy bullets, and brave soldiers also jumped up to join the ranks of the offensive skirmisher line. The soldiers jumped over the dead bodies and the skirmisher line shook and the formation was uneven, and they fought back.
After the attacking troops passed by, Haiweikeqi and two soldiers laid several bodies together and sat up against the bodies. Next to them was Anna, a health worker, and two other soldiers, Haiweikeqi, took out a cigarette bag and rolled one for himself, and then threw it to the side to make the soldiers smoke.
The soldier rolled up the cigarette and threw it back, then sucked it up, holding a cigarette in one hand and tapping his knee greedily in the other; Another soldier, who doesn’t smoke, is absorbed in looking at the dirty front of the military uniform. A hole was cut by shrapnel, but fortunately, shrapnel cut through his clothes and flew past without hurting his health. This battlefield with heavy casualties is absolutely unique.
Make the soldier feel satisfied with his luck. He has a satisfied smile on his face and the tip of his beard-the battle is so fierce that everyone may die at any time, but he is not afraid of death. It seems that he is not going to die, but just like a good friend who has a good drink and goes home. The soldier looks at the rags and guesses that if his mother knows, she will definitely blame him. Why is he so careless?
The 16th Division patrol the trench in Zhang Yiping, where his long-range sniper rifle has been taken by Shao Zhanmin. He looked at it in the trench and felt very satisfied. Usually, some people specially arranged to go to the battlefield to see the real combat effectiveness of an army.
After several reorganizations, the fighting capacity of the 16th Division has not regressed, which makes him feel very gratified.
"Watch out for the enemy!" 16 division front in a machine gun bunker machine guns pointing to the distant peristalsis khaki humanoid call way
The "set the scale" machine gunner is a stout man like a bear who skillfully plays with the machine gun.
"What these Russians seem to be really not afraid of death to die in batches? If they fight like this, it’s easy to die. Are there many men among Russians? Always dead and dirty, "said the gunner, checking the belt again."
"How many Russians will die as much as they come? Are there more Russians than our military factory? I’ve been to play the production car. Boy, it’s like a rice mill. When the machine plays, it slams down a machine gun and dozens of them a minute?" The gunner said
"The Russians were killed by us, and the remaining women were cheaper for us! Haha … "Zhang Yiping smiled and got in. The officers and men wanted to get up and salute. Zhang Yiping quickly stopped and said," Come on. I’m also a gunman here. I’m here to fight as a gunman … You know it’s a shame to be a gunman if you don’t see the enemy shooting twice. "

What’s going on here? I just sleep. How can these two changes happen? The direction of change is quite good, but from today’s change alone, it seems that it is not very helpful to yourself!

With questions in my heart, Danny Awu started a day of practice and started his own day.
Dan Dan Aou, a younger brother of An Totem, also needs to do something to gain totem contribution. Many practice techniques and resources need to be exchanged for contribution, so if you want to make progress, you have to work hard.
Some races in the virtual world once criticized the drug family, saying that the most hypocritical race and the most refuting race are the drug family.
It’s true that some medicine people have some world views, and many races say they don’t understand it, so they just say alchemy if they don’t talk about it.
On the one hand, the medicine family hates his racial alchemy, and recognizing his racial alchemy is simply to exchange the life of the medicine family for progress; On the other hand, it is the alchemy of medicine family that makes all the people in the virtual world despise, but it is the most powerful in the virtual world
There is a world view and cognitive problem of the medicine family. In the world view of the medicine family, a spiritual elixir is considered as the most basic mortal of the medicine family, but a spiritual elixir is considered as a monk seedling of the medicine family.
No spiritual drug strain is a profitable resource in the eyes of drug families.
With spirituality, those drug plants become rotten materials, which is the real mortal foundation of the drug family.
Antuteng medicinal field is planted with all kinds of medicinal herbs without spirituality but with medicinal properties. These are cultivation resources, and Antuteng takes seeds to cultivate auxiliary cultivation medicinal plants.
The Xiangda Totem tribe does have some special medicine fields that can cultivate elixirs, but those medicine fields are all bases for cultivating younger generations of the Totem.
Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many monks in the big totem tribe.
An Antuten newcomer, Dandan Aowu, has a lot to take care of. She has to take care of 20 acres of medicine fields, where there are many alchemical herbs that can be harvested every few years.
With a kind of expectation for his future, as well as doubts and expectations for his physical change, Dandan Aou gradually merged into Antuteng and started a brand-new path of practice.
Chapter DiErSiWuWu Just dreaming
Even in dreams, there are continuous plots, which is really strange and the fastest to update.
Since the little girl named Dandan Awu appeared in the dream, Sun Hao found himself dreaming about this little girl every now and then.
Well, dream it. Think of it as realizing your life.
It’s just a dream. Come as you like. This dream is quite real and lifelike, as if it were true.
In particular, what shapes the characters’ characters’ images inside is a natural way to let Sun Hao know that he is dreaming and admire himself for dreaming * * is becoming more and more powerful.
It’s just a dream, and the so-called dream comes from the heart. Sometimes you can realize the dream change without moving means to change the dream process.
For example, I found that the little girl of this medicine family was not fully developed physically, and the embryo was not well developed, so in her dream, her incarnation of the little medicine seedling began to absorb the power of the stars and subtly improve her system.
for example
I found that the quality of the little girl’s true yuan was really bad, so I became a little medicine seedling in my dream and began to filter her true yuan to better condense her true yuan
For example, I found that the little girl didn’t have a rest after sleeping late, so Xiaoyao Miao put herself in the past.
It’s just a dream. Some spiritual practices are nothing.
It’s just a dream. Not too stingy.
That’s right. It’s this rhythm. I dream of a little girl every now and then. Then give her some small surprises every now and then. Once she is in a good mood, this dream can become a beautiful dream.
Yeah, that’s the rhythm
Being an old monster, Sun Hao feels that childlike innocence is his greatest blessing. He deserves to be the youngest virtual king in history, and he deserves to be the fastest-growing fit in history. It is estimated that only he can have this kind of gamer mentality and go to practice without worrying.
By the way, I don’t know what the body consciousness did. Closed the five senses, closed the destination, and closed all the information. I couldn’t even feel the body consciousness when I was distracted. Sun Hao felt drunk, too.
Body consciousness is really hard enough and absolutely enough to suppress big moves! I don’t know what moves I will suppress in the end.
Different from going to a dream, this time the dream is always more interesting in a row. Sun Hao’s distraction is a little more, and he unconsciously reveals many benefits.
Sun Hao thinks it’s normal, too. I dream that I’ve changed my medicine. It’s a bit unreasonable not to give my little girl a little sweetness to take care of herself.
Danny awu fell into a very strange feeling.
This state seems to be that I met a peerless old-timer and gave myself a lot of spiritual practice without anyone knowing it.
My physical condition has been changing, and Zhenyuan has always been concise, and her physique has changed a little.
If the system changes for a day or two, the effect will not be seen, and it will be considerable over time.
Dandan Awu found that his meridians were getting tougher and wider, and his Danhai area was getting wider and wider.
And how can I put it? Daniel Awu felt incredible.
Most of the time, she feels that she is thicker and more concise than the ground. She feels that no monk in this world can be so concise.
But then she suddenly found that after her practice, Zhenyuan was still concise and essence, so it seemed that there was no end to it.
As a result, one year, two years, three years, four years, and ten years, she has been standing still, without making any progress, and it seems that there are still some signs of retrogression
Ten years ago, the Antoinette quiz was held.
Danny awu’s heart suddenly became a little worried.
My ten years.
It can be said that there is no progress. Although I have worked very hard in the past ten years, there is no doubt that I still feel a little retrogressive in terms of self-repair!
If it weren’t for a plant floating in his abdomen, there wouldn’t be much movement and progress in the past ten years. Komatsu Miao Dandan Aou hasn’t even reached adulthood himself!
But the quiz is coming. What should I do?
It is said that the Ann Totem quiz is very strict, and once it fails, it may be sent back to the country of origin.
After ten years of hard work, how can this be the result? Dandan Awu’s heart is full of bitterness.
Seeing that it is only a few months before the quiz, Danny Awu is really anxious and has no mind to practice.

Then he smiled at Xuanzhenzi and others: "Let some Taoist friends laugh. This is the child’s temper. But we are really waiting for a few people here, in fact, mainly for this child. I specially snatched her from Xu Fei Niang. After sending her to Emei this time, I also got a wish, which is a gratitude to Xuanzhen Daoyou. "

Then she pointed to the cheap red medicine that has been staring blankly around her, and said to Miao Yi, a real person, Qi Shuming and other three people. Miao Yi looked at the girl carefully, but she didn’t see any difference in the child now. She and her husband looked at each other, and they couldn’t help wondering, but since Yan Yingm said it was stolen from Xu Feiniang. There must be something special, but it just doesn’t show.
Xuanzhenzi said after being stupefied, "Why don’t you return the favor? Everyone knows all the things in those days. Since we are in the same boat, how can we sit back and watch you be besieged by evil sects? This matter will never be mentioned again. What’s the difference? Is it a Taoist friend to lay down a younger generation? Although Daoyou is almost successful now, is it okay to teach by himself? "
Yan Yingm, the fairy, laughed when she saw that several people didn’t understand. "Although this child is related to me, it is earthly. But it’s too far away. The reason why I want to take this child away is because she was born at a good time, just because her life is full of evil spirits and rich blessings. Everything can turn out well when it is difficult. Except for her qualifications and good fortune, it is good to go to other places. "
Seeing that several people were surprised, Xuanzhenzi began to copy the sleeves and calculate. She continued to laugh: "My disciple Tian Deaf was robbed of soldiers not long ago. She has a son named Yan Renying. With good qualifications, Zhou Qingyun, a disciple of Xia Daoyou, has a lifelong love affair. It happened to be extradited to Emei, which gave me a wish. "
Qi Shuming, a wonderful real person, bowed with emotion and said, "Thank you, Yan Daoyou, for helping me. Shuming is really ashamed. Song Changgeng disturbed the secret and robbed my disciples and treasures in Emei, which weakened my luck. My husband and wife are grateful that Yan Daoyou can help me at this time."
Xun Lanyin, the first lady of Miao, followed the salute and said, "It’s true that my husband, wife and other disciples worked hard, but after all, they were superficial, and many things were unclear, so that they were robbed first, and one step was wrong, and three English were lost. Yan Daoyou was willing to send the remaining one, and Emei was grateful."
Yan Yingm waved his hand and said with a smile, "It’s just a trivial matter. The couple also know that I have many disciples in Jellyfish, but because I was taught by a Buddhist monk in my early years, I also like to find a successor like a Buddhist. Now I have settled on Xue Jun. No matter how good the qualifications of other disciples are, it’s useless. I can’t get the true biography here, but I miss my future."
After seeing that Xuanzhenzi had calculated, she smiled and said, "Now you know that I’m not lying to you. You are more cautious as you get older. Now that things have been explained, you’d better go. Now that the evil spirits are attacking Ningbi Cliff, how can you resist only by a few disciples? You’d better go back and solve those buffoons early."
After a few people talked and laughed again, they left and broke up. Yan Yingm and Xuejun Jiang went back to Dongting Lake. A wonderful real person, Qi Shuming, flew all the way back to Ningbi Cliff with cheap red medicine. When they arrived nearby, they felt the chaos of the heavens and the earth near Ningbi Cliff, and at the same time, a hot feeling came to their faces. Many people were flying around in various brilliance, and the clouds were transpiration inside. Obviously, there was a law in operation.
In Yuanjiang, the anger made Miao Yi, a real person, and Qi Shuming all have the intention of venting a scene. It should have been that the purple and blue double swords joined together and later killed these evil sects and used them to sacrifice the purple and blue double swords. But now only the green Suojian is here, and the purple and purple swords have entered the Qingcheng Sect helplessly, which makes the three people hold their mouths all the time.
After ordering his wife to take good care of cheap red medicine, Master Zhang of Emei looked at Xuanzhenzi, and both offered their own swords and rushed over. Although Miao Yi’s golden flame sword was damaged a little, it was easy to deal with these small fish and shrimps. They quickly dispersed the evil factions around him and came to the vicinity of the large array.
Xuanzhenzi looked at it and sneered, "What kind of precious array do I think it is? It’s just a set of Huashan school’s all-sky fire array. It’s not the strongest town mountain set, but a set of imitations. Teacher younger brother, do these buffoons really think that we Emei are easy to bully? Let them see what we can do in Emei, huh! Do you really think anyone can bully us Emei? "
He said that both of them had the ability to rush to transport the sword light to the maximum, and rushed into the large array without hesitation, because Emei had a large array of two instruments and dust, and after studying for so long, they were all members of the law. It was naturally easy to go to this imitation large array of fire, but in fact, this large array of fire itself was not a complicated law.
It’s different from Emei’s large array of dust particles with two instruments, which is famous for its unpredictability. The large array of fire in the sky uses the power of fire to burn everything. Most of the spells in the array are aimed at how to increase the firepower, and there is no mysterious change, so it’s easy to break, as long as the strength is strong enough, such as Xuanzhenzi and Miaoyiren.
Between the flashing light of the sword, the two men have wandered around the array and found several array flags. The two of them run Xuangong and wield the power of the sword to the maximum, truly achieving a sword in hand and not seeking other realms.
In Ningbi Cliff, the younger disciples of Emei were supported by the mountain-protecting talisman left by the real-life Changmei in those days. They have been burned for more than ten days by a large array of fire in Doutian. Today, when they saw our elders coming to break the array, they all cheered. Under the arrangement of Qi Lingyun and Zhuge Jing, they kept their positions well and then rushed out under the guidance of Qi Lingyun.
A wonderful first lady, Xun Lanyin, saw that her husband and brother had succeeded, so she rushed over with Lian Gongyao, joined her daughter and son, and strangled those evil sects together. Although Lian Gongyao was a beginner soon, she was able to practice, and she was close to the innate realm. With the help of Xu Feiniang’s gift of flying swords, it was still possible to pick up a fish that was exposed to the net. She was very happy to join the Emei Sect.
Her personality is very strong. She was instilled with the concept of good and evil by her father since she was a child. Right and wrong are very clear. Right is right, evil is evil, and there is no middle. She is not allowed to have middle, either decent or evil, so she immediately switched to Xuejun Jiang after knowing that the master is evil, and there is nothing to hesitate at all.
As for betraying the teacher’s kindness or something, people like her have a little problem with their ideas. The concept of good and evil is stronger than everything else. They have to give way in front of right and wrong, so that they can kill their parents who are not with them for the so-called concept of right and wrong in their hearts. This is not an alarmist. There has never been a shortage of such people in history.
There are not a few people who kill their parents, children or other relatives for ideals or rules of right and wrong, good and evil, and so on. They call it the slogan of putting righteousness above family interests and being open to the public. How many people abandon their wives and children for the revolution and kill their parents? What will happen in the end? The world should be what it is, the ideal is the ideal, it is always illusory, and the pro-talent is the most real.
In fact, the wonderful first lady Xun Lanyin and their superiors understand this truth, but it doesn’t mean that they don’t like these people who are desperate for their ideals. On the contrary, they like it very much. Who doesn’t like such a good thug? Therefore, after knowing that this girl’s fate is comparable to that of Shuangying, and her personality is an idealist with a strong sense of right and wrong, she likes her very much.
After a double slaying, those evil people who besieged Ningbi Cliff were all killed. Qi Lingyun was free to say a few words with his mother. After simply explaining the situation in Ningbi Cliff, he asked about the treasure of Yuanjiang this time. Although his daughter said it was obscure, he asked all about Song Changgeng. How did the eyebrow eye look make a wonderful lady in a n experienced person, Xun Lanyin, not understand her daughter’s mind?

Volume 23 Ningbi Against Chapter two hundred and thirty Teacher Gu Teacher Niang
It’s the end of the month. How time flies! Brothers and sisters have monthly tickets in their hands. How about giving them two if they don’t vote? Ha ha, I also sprint these two days and update two chapters a day. How about everyone’s encouragement? )
At this time, Song Changgeng, who was talked about by them, left Kuzhu Temple with everyone, and went to a temporary camp built by the disciples of Wuyimen nearby, so that all the disciples were ready to leave the camp and let the injured disciples heal. After Song Changgeng, Yang Jin, Ye Bin and Qin Ziling entered the main tent, they sat down and prepared for the final distribution.
My little girl Jade Butterfly didn’t leave with Husband and Wife B this time, but she was tired of being around Song Changgeng and didn’t want to leave. We chatted a few words in the tent and were curious about the goblins like my little girl. When Song Changgeng saw that Yang Jin was a little anxious, he took out the jar of elixir and jade liquid and said to Yang Jin, "What I promised Taoist friends is in it."
Say that finish exercise to open the cover, take out a cherry big golden round bead, it came out, the aura in the tent immediately rich many, and they all felt a clear air, know that it is a treasure, Song Chang-geng put away the then jade urn again, my girl Jade Butterfly liked the beautiful jade urn, rubbing around Song Chang-geng.
Song Chang Geng smiled at Yang Jin lightly: "This is the elixir that can increase the skill of the Millennium. This jade urn is a wonderful magic weapon, which can automatically absorb the vitality of heaven and earth and can be condensed and stored. It can be condensed into spiritual water in the urn in ten years, and it can be turned into jade liquid in a hundred years. After a thousand years, the jade liquid will become an elixir, and it will last for a thousand years."
Yang Jin took the little elixir with a trembling hand and looked at it again and again. She said excitedly, "Thank you so much. I didn’t expect that I could become a Taoist. I’m going to take this elixir back to the elephant nunnery to find a master and take it with her help. After I completely absorb it, I’ll borrow the chaotic fetus of the Taoist." I hope that Daoyou can be fulfilled. "
"What I have promised on that day will naturally be completed, and Taoist friends can rest assured that as long as Taoist friends can come to me after absorbing it, I will definitely borrow it." Song Changgeng said with a faint smile, patting open the little girl Jade Butterfly who wanted to reach into his dry bag. I looked at her and didn’t know what this little guy was going to do, but some guests ignored her for the time being.
We chatted a few more words. He watched Yang Jin fidget after he put away the elixir and smiled: "It seems that Taoist friends can’t wait. Well, I won’t keep Taoist friends. Go ahead and get together again if there is an opportunity."
After returning a few words, Yang Jin left, and when she left, she also specially told a few words of Lingyunfeng to practice well. After all, Ling Xuehong was Ling Yunfeng’s great-grandmother in her previous life, and she was also a caring person. She is very kind to Ling Yunfeng, a junior. She knows that she may have to close the door when she goes back, so she specially asks her former friend Ye Bin to help take care of Ling Yunfeng.
Ye Bin also wants to leave after she leaves, and wants to take two registered disciples Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying to practice in the small Antarctic. Song Chang Gung knows that he has too many things to educate his disciples, and now someone is willing to do it for him. He considered the Yuanjiang magic weapon that Princess Changping had just got, and took out two best flying swords after selecting it.
While handing them to Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying, he said, "You have the filial piety to give me a good magic weapon. I appreciate it. These two swords are very suitable for you to use. Practice hard. Come back to me if you can’t solve anything in the future. You can practice there. I’ll use this elixir and jade urn to help you improve your skills after you finish your studies. "
Seeing the two men kneeling on the ground crying, he was obviously reluctant to leave. He said in a soft voice: "Master asked you to worship Lord Yeshima as a teacher this time, just to learn her fast cultivation methods, so that you can make a difference in the future. It is not suitable for you to practice for the teacher. Go! I will let you follow when I go to the South Pole for business. "
Ye Bin said with a smile, "These two children are temperamental lovers. Isn’t Song Daoyou going to the South Pole to open up some inheritance? There is a mixture of dragons and snakes, but it is not easy to gain a foothold. However, with the skills of Taoist friends and the strength around them, please let me know if you need my help. Although Admiralty Island is not a big power, it is still possible to help. "
Song Changgeng laughed and said, "Taoist friends misunderstood me. I am going to the outer world of Antarctica, not the 46 th island of Little Antarctica. However, if Taoist friends are willing to help, I will naturally be grateful. The two little disciples have to rely on Taoist friends to teach us. In the future, everyone will be a family. If there is anything in Admiralty Island, I will do my best to help."
Off Ye Bin, Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying took three little people with them. These three little guys turned around and returned to Ling Yunfeng’s side. The three of them were very happy. Ling Yunfeng and Dai Xiangying took the four of them out. Now the athletes have entered the white rhinoceros pool, and only the three of them are together. Now they are back at the master’s door. Naturally, they are happy. It doesn’t matter if they go there.
After everyone left, Song Chang Gung was ready to start processing this income. At this time, Zi Xuanfeng and Princess Changping and other leading big disciples came in, and they reported that they had finished cleaning up the camp and could leave at any time. Everyone went out of the tent and saw more than 100 disciples standing straight outside. Their appearance and number made more than a dozen disciples of Qingcheng School envious.
Because it wasn’t until the day when I started to collect the treasure that the disciples of Worry-Free Door appeared today. In the past, only Zheng Dianxian and others led the way to know the existence of these people, but ordinary disciples like Qin Ziling didn’t know. Now that things have been finished, Song Changgeng formally introduced his disciples to the people of Qingcheng School for everyone to meet.
In front of everyone, he simply told his own experience, and also told the people of Qingcheng School that he was the head of Worry-Free Door, and now there are thousands of disciples. In those days, pretending to be Situ Ping was to find some opportunities to disturb the secret, and helping Blissful Reality to establish Qingcheng School was one of the things. Everyone is familiar with it in the future. If there is anything to help each other. Qin’s sisters realized that her husband was so good, and they were a little unhappy that he didn’t tell themselves. However, when several leading disciples, such as Zi Xuanfeng and Princess Changping, led hundreds of disciples to call them Teacher Niang, they were all dissatisfied. They never thought that they would be called Teacher Niang by so many people at the same time, and they blushed with shame.
Li Yingqiong jumped up happily and cried, "Brother, brother, you have so many apprentices. Please let them call me Shi Gu! I have so many teachers and nephews at once. Really, Yingnan, this is unimaginable. "
Yu Yingnan also cried happily: "Yes, yes, brother, let them call Shi Gu quickly. I haven’t let so many people call Shi Gu at the same time. Let me have fun!" She said that she was still aiming at these disciples, especially Jade Butterfly, a little girl around Song Changgeng. The lovely appearance really made her like it, but it was obvious that the other party didn’t like her and didn’t look at her.
Jade Butterfly, a little girl who was rubbing around Song Changgeng, flapped two beautiful butterfly wings, and her lovely little face was full of unhappiness. She muttered in a low voice that only two people could hear: "They are so poor in skills that they can be called Shi Gu, and do they have a meeting gift?" We have thousands of formal disciples and hundreds of registered disciples. Can you give them over? "
Looking at the two little girls, Song Chang Gung patted the little girl Jade Butterfly reluctantly and gestured to the other disciples. All the disciples naturally called the sound master, but obviously they didn’t think so in their hearts like my little girls. More than 100 disciples here were all elites at the moment, and they were all masters in the then period, but Shuangying was just a congenital period.
There are hundreds of innate disciples in Worry-Free Door, and they are only asked to look at the master’s face. These disciples have been educated by respecting teachers and stressing morality since childhood. Naturally, the master’s words can’t be violated, but just call them. How can they be inferior to themselves? As a matter of fact, there is a saying in the world that grandchildren are crutches and grandfathers are suckers. This is generational!
Seeing that everyone was here, Song Changgeng felt that it was just right to divide the treasures at last. Several leading disciples, such as Zi Xuanfeng and Princess Changping, contributed the most, so he gave a gourmet magic weapon alone, and the rest of the gourmet magic weapons were given to Princess Changping for safekeeping. After inspection, disciples who have made great contributions to the sects can all be rewarded with a gourmet magic weapon.

"Grandpa?" The little guy stared at the man opposite and blinked. "Is it mom and dad?"

Mann nodded "yes"
"Grandpa!" The little guy suddenly loosened up? Man ran in? Jin hang bosom
Jin Hang held the little guy in his arms and laughed happily. It was such a good thing for him these days.
Mann was stared at by the sudden enthusiasm of the little guy until? Jin Hanghuai laughed and held the little guy high …
Is the old lady paralyzed? Jin Hang talks to her, and she can still listen. She always blinks to signal that she can hear.
She seems to like Rui Rui very much, and when she heard Rui Rui calling her’ Grandmother’, tears fell from the corner of her eyes.
Manlai was stubborn until she left with Rui Rui, and she still forgave after the law. After all, the old lady has hurt her too much. In fact, it’s not that she can’t pass her own threshold, but that Mrs. Li was so heartless when she picked up her mother’s bones that she will never forget that scene that day.
I think her mother suffered a lot when she was alive, right?
So she didn’t call her a grandmother until she left.
Holding Rui Rui’s hand, she left the ward and just left the inpatient department. At a distance, she saw what Qin Xueyao was communicating with Bo Jingyan in front of Bo Jingyan’s car.
She looked down at her son and touched his hair patiently. "Have you seen Lao Bo?"
Rui Rui glanced at the location of Bo Jingyan and nodded "See"
"How about we sneak up and don’t go out to scare Lao Bo?" Ruirui really believed it? Man said, clap your hands. "Yes, yes."
At this time, Bo Jingyan talked to Qin Xueyao.
Qin Xueyao actually met Bo Jingyan when she went straight to the inpatient department shortly after she arrived. Of course, she wanted to stop and say a few words to him.
"Did Mr. Bo eat well and sleep well these days?" Qin Xueyao lit a cigarette and took a mouthful of Gherardini setting Bo Jingyan.
Bo jingyan leaned against the car body because his back was turned? Mann came and didn’t see her come out.
Smell Qin Xueyao words his face is not redundant expression light cavity "ok? How can I sleep when my wife is full and asleep? "
Qin Xueyao took another drag on his cigarette, but he caught a glimpse of the source from the corner of his eye. Mann figure she suddenly smiled and turned to look at Bo Jingyan and said, "Mr. Bo loves you very much? Man, right? "
Bo Yan’ s lips are lightly sunburned? My wife is very concerned about my private life? "
"Mr. Bo’s private life is not popular with me!" She suddenly ha ha a smile eyes gradually narrowed "? For the time being, Mann doesn’t know that you actually knew that you weren’t brothers and sisters five years ago, right? "
Bo Jing said nothing, Qin Xueyao’s lips are not urgent or slow. Go on, "What did you say? Mann loves you so much that she needs to know that you already know, but you don’t tell her. What will happen to her if she has been immersed in pain for so many years? Will I stay with you? "
"This is it? Madam wants to talk to me? " Bo Jing’s words are tall and straight, and the gas field method is ignored.
"I want to say …" She glanced at Bo Jingyan’s face and turned white? Mann heart a carefree, she then added, "Mr. Bo, are you right? Man doesn’t really love much, does he? If you love her, how can you let her go to the United States without you for five years? How can you let her immerse herself in the pain of being brother and sister for so many years? "
"Admit it, Mr. Bo. Five years ago, you were a child’s play. You witnessed the scene where I bribed Dean Lin and watched it? Mann was wronged by me? Family neglect, bear all? Family members are humiliated and don’t tell the truth. Where do you say you love her? "
After hearing Qin Xueyao’s words, Mann couldn’t help but shake her body and shake her eyes. She gripped Bo Jingyan’s back and held her fist. Her nails were caught off guard and lifted into her palm, but she couldn’t feel the pain.
"Shut up!" Bo Jingyan frowned at Qin Xueyao’s step by step. His eyes stared at Qin Xueyao’s eyes and he seemed to be able to kill people. "Qin Xueyao, you’d better seal your mouth. If you are? Man knows … "
He said that there was a clean and cold line behind him. "What will happen if I know?"
What is the cause of the pupil? Mann’s words suddenly opened wide. He didn’t want to go back, but he saw a big man and a small man behind him. He looked at him with cold eyes. He saw him turn around and suddenly’ wow’. Then he made a face at him. He looked at him with a dull look. Rui Rui laughed. "Is Lao Bo scared by me?"
Section 52
Rui Rui just finished talking and ran in the direction of Bo Jingyan. He was just about to jump into Bo Jingyan’s arms when he was striding over? As soon as Mann pulled it back, he roared, "Ruirui, don’t touch him!"
Ruirui doesn’t know why he was suddenly taken? Man couldn’t help crying at such a roar and a glance at his mouth.
Bo Jingyan’s face turned white. Bai Gang wanted to see this scene behind his mouth. Qin Xueyao burst out laughing. "Karma Bo Jingyan, did you see it? This is karma …"
She left here and went to the inpatient department, but her smile echoed here for a long time.
Bo jingyan watched? Mann hates his eyes and feels numb. He moves slowly? Mann direction "? Man "
"Don’t come here!" She yelled at him, his nerves were extremely tense, and his anger seemed to have reached the limit, but she was still forcing herself to calm down and stare at Bo Jingyan. Her eyes were indifferent and she smiled. "Bo Jingyan told me if what Qin Xueyao just said was true!"
What is the bottom of Bo Jingyan’s lips and eyes? Mann has never seen a look.
He smiled at her with a white face and an angry face. "Now, no matter what I say, you have believed what she said. Will you believe what I say?"
Mann took a deep breath but felt his hands shaking badly. "Is it because Qin Xueyao deliberately lied to me?"